Reverend Darren Brunne 7.30pm 24 August
Day Two Spiritual Work - Becoming the non-judgemental observer
From the speaker:
Ever wondered why we have the 'EGO' and how it traps us on our spiritual quest to find answers?
In this talk I will be discussing how to integrate new light coming from Sacred Text (Day One spiritual work) and thereby move into Day Two practices.
We will cover some of the following strategies: -
- Getting out from under suffocating self-talk.
- Active thought meditation techniques.
- Identifying the source of our thoughts and feelings.
- Guidance - listening to the body and the mind.
- Conviction vs Condemnation.
As much as possible, I would like to open up this talk for some interactive discussion time.
About the speaker:
Darren Brunne is a spiritual teacher and a thought leader in the Swedenborgian movement both within Australia and internationally. His first awakening occurred at 14yrs through the rich Vedic literature of the East. Another awakening occurred at 19yrs through Esoteric Christianity. He has spent the last two decades working in the field of spiritual faith healing and unlocking the inner code of the Bible. Currently, he is working on a spiritual development course titled The Sacred Seven. Other books he has written include Soul Warrior, Adventures in the Apocalypse, Unlocking the Power of Sacred Text.
Darren, his wife Renee and their seven children live in Brisbane, Australia.