The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Brisbane Lodge

Our Libraries

Our Libraries

A number of TS centres in Australia maintain libraries for their members, and some for non-members by subscription.

Our Union Index was previously managed as a separate website. Due to issues affecting technical aspects of the website it is now offline. However our website developers are currently working to incorporate the Union Index into this website. We will update this page when the Index is again available. Thank you for your patience.
Simon O'Rourke Education Co-ordinator November 2023.]

What is the Campbell Theosophical Research Library?

The main focus for the Cambell Theosophical Research Library, a specialist Library at the National Headquarters, is to collect, curate and diffuse: Theosophical Books, particularly those published by Theosophical Publishing Houses; a selection of books pertaining to the influence of Theosophy on early Australian movements; some important scriptures culled from a number of major spiritual philosophies and traditions; a section of books on scientific topics including reincarnation; approximately 200 selected Theosophical publications, including The Theosophist, various Australian Theosophical Journals, The Adyar Library Bulletin, and English language journals from other national sections; and other select works. 

Our archives include photographs and other recorded media relating to: information about significant TS members, including their involvement within society through, for example, politics and the arts; historical material relating to our Lodges and Branches such as Lodge magazines and programmes; book reviews; newspaper reports; and other material.

The periodicals collection has material dating from before the founding of the Theosophical Society in 1875, with publications from Europe, Asia, and the Americas. For the Australian Section of the Society, the Library has journals from 1892 to the present. Anyone interested in its collection is most welcome to visit The Campbell Theosophical Research Library by appointment. Although material may not be borrowed, a photocopying/scanning service is available. Enquiries are welcome. Meanwhile, explore the links below.

Where are our Theosophical Libraries?

For Library locations and hours see

Campbell Library (reference only, Sydney) by appointment





TS Perth & Perth

Sydney (Blavatsky Lodge)

How do I search for books, periodicals and other media?

Catalogue Of The Campbell Library and TS Lodge/Branch Libraries

Search the library catalogue of The Theosophical Society in Australia through our Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) database. A search will show records held by both the Campbell Research Library and the libraries of our Lodges and Branches. Select 'View Homepage As...' on the right side of the catalogue if you wish to search a specific location.

In the search field type in any words, or use quotation marks for an exact phrase, such as "invisble helpers". For instructions as to how to complete an advanced search, follow this link:  How to Use Advanced Search in the Search Interface

Liberty Link instructions for mobile phone app

Search the Library Catalogue in any browser without a library account, or access the Liberty3 Library database, with your library account, on your mobile phone. Select the Download link above. This service requires a library account, which is being slowly rolled out to members.

Theosophical Texts by Subject

A searchable selection of texts on subjects including Great Theosophical Days, Meditation, Yoga, Theosophical History and instructional Theosophical teachings.

List of Articles and Texts | Theosophical Society
 a list of educational texts on this site.

Links to Theosophical Texts Online

Provides an extensive collection of direct links to the texts of a large number of theosophical books and other material available online. “Theosophical” is used in a broad and eclectic sense.

Adyar Pamphlets

Online editions of the early Adyar pamphlets. See a comprehensive index of these and other pamphlets at the Campbell Library Theosophical Pamphlet, Handbill and Booklet Collection here.

Theosophy in Australia magazine

Recent copies of our national magazine.

The Theosophist latest issue of the magazine at Adyar-ts

The Theosophist magazine at Theosophy World & The Theosophist magazine at iapsop from 1879 to the present.

Suggested Reading Lists

Reading lists by subject available for your information

Other searches within our Library Catalogue—

Library Lists
Books For Children
Books by H.P. Blavatsky
Books by Annie Besant
Books by C.W. Leadbeater

How do I search the contents of Theosophical periodicals?

More information may be found on our Periodicals page, which includes the following: 

Union Index of Theosophical Periodicals

The Theosophical Society in Australia and the Campbell Theosophical Research Library's indices to Theosophical and related periodicals: journals, series, and pamphlets.

Search Index of Theosophical Periodicals
Provides an online search of the Union Index. The facility is active and ongoing. It is updated frequently. There is a directory of current source indices. The Australian subset, searchable separately, is incorporated (see below).

Search Index of Australian Theosophical Periodicals
Provides an online search of the Australian subset of the Union Index. It is updated frequently.

Search Index of The Theosophist
Provides an online search of the index to The Theosophist within the Union Index. It is updated frequently.

Index of The Adyar Library Bulletin
Provides an index of a significant portion of the material contained in BrahmavidyaThe Adyar Library Bulletin. It currently has more than 3000 entries. It has a Search and List facility.

A New Index to The Theosophist, Volumes 1-3
Supplementary to the Index contained in the Union Index, and a work in progress. A revised index to these early volumes of The Theosophist, including some corrections, clarifications, re-orderings. 1974 items with over 400 additional entries.

The Campbell Library Theosophical Pamphlet, Handbill and Booklet Collection
The Campbell Library holds a large historical collection of these items. Numbering in excess of 600 they date from 1892 to the present time.

Theosophy in Australia magazine contents listing 1936 to date
Theosophy in Australia was first published from 1921 to 1926, and then from 1935 to the present. Issues are published in March, June, September and November. In 1929 The Australian Theosophist, which had been an independent journal at that time edited by C.W. Leadbeater, became the official organ of The Theosophical Society in Australia. The General-Secretary, Harold Morton, became the editor, with the gracious assistance of C.W. Leadbeater as co-editor. See also the following selected indices:

Theosophy in Australia 1921-1926
The Australian Theosophist 1926-1928
The Australian Theosophist 1928-1933
News And Notes Of The Theosophical Society In Australia 1933-1936

Other Services

Introduction to Theosophy Resources for group and self education.

Media Library for Members
Up to two items may be borrowed at a time for thirty days. The borrower to pay return postage. However, videos may be found on streaming services such as those shown in the downloadable Introduction to Theosophy Resources for group and self education document above, with links to online videos corresponding to older dvd's.

National Members Lending Library
This service is open only to our National Members. Up to two books may be borrowed at a time for one month, renewable for another month upon request. The borrower to pay return postage. Note that most books may be found online as free digital editions. See links to Theosophical texts online above.

The Library will be happy to receive suggestions about further material and acquisitions.


The Campbell Theosophical Research Library
The Theosophical Society in Australia
Level 2, 162 Goulburn Street,

TEL: 02 9264 7056
[email protected]

A view of the Campbell Theosophical Research Library


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