Tony Petcoulos 7.30pm 26 October
This lecture will explore the role that the sacred word OM plays in transcending illusion and propelling the seeker into higher states of consciousness. The correct techniques of how to sound the sacred word Om will be discussed. The numerous benefits of sounding this sacred word will be outlined and the impact that this sacred word has on the various bodies will be explained.
Tony has been a theosophist for over 50years and studied at the ageless wisdom schools at Adyar in India and Krotona in the U.S. Tony also studied Vipassana meditation under Gowenka in India and Buddhism in Nepal with five Lamas. At present Tony specialises in the techniques of how to open the heart to activate the soul so as to move into higher states of consciousness. He is a retired Social Worker who has worked in various state and Federal goverment departments in their employee assistance schemes as a counsellor, coach and trainer. He specialised in stress, burnout and trauma counselling air traffic controllers in the department of Civil Aviation.