Helen Steven, National Lecturer, 7.30pm 12 October
This talk explores the different ways of perceiving our life experience, in particular how a totally mind-focussed experience is limited and creates a sense of separateness, and the very different experience when we step out of this. This will be done in the context of the Theosophical teachings about the nature of the human being.
Helen Steven has been an active member of the Theosophical Society in Hobart since 1994. In that time she has served as a committee member for many years, State Representative for Tasmania, National Vice President, given talks at National Convention several times and is now a National Lecturer for the T.S.
Helen is passionate about sharing and learning Theosophy to constantly broaden our perspectives.
Helen grew up in Victoria, travelled extensively, and has settled and lived in Tasmania for 35 years. She works as a nurse and has 4 children.
A meet-and-greet supper at 6 pm. Please bring a vegetarian/vegan plate to share.