The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Brisbane Lodge

The Obscure Logos Of Heraclitus, Athanasios J Kallis

Public lecture, 7.30 - 8.30 pm, 3 November 2021.

Venue:Brisbane Lodge

Ever wondered why we can't hold onto the Logos?

Special guest Athanasios J Kallis is a hairdresser by trade & a philosopher by choice. We are delighted to welcome her and hope to see you there too!

Covid Safe Requirements
  • Sign-in with the QR code upon arrival
  • A face mask covering the nose and mouth must be worn indoors at all times except while seated and while eating and drinking
  • Please remain seated if consuming tea/coffee
  • Social distancing of 1.5 metres is to be respected at all times with persons not of your household
  • Venue capacity limits apply so arrive early
  • If you have cold or flu-like symptoms however mild, do not attend (stay home, get tested)
  • Use hand sanitiser upon arrival and maintain good hygiene throughout the event
  • Certified food service volunteers will assist tea and coffee - Please no self-service!
  • Dispose of plates, cups and rubbish in bins when you finish
  • Doors and windows are to remain open for increased air circulation. If they are closed, please ask for assistance
  • Donations are gratefully accepted but to avoid cash handling please make financial gifts online to our BTS, BSB 124 030, Acc 10010157 or use the EFTPOS in the library 
  • If you need any help with the above, please telephone, email or ask facilitators who can offer assistance


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