This talk will centre on the transformative power of daily meditation. How this discipline seemingly flows into human transformation and harmonious living with the prospect of Knowing Thyself and benefiting others i.e., real service. We will look into three different approaches, specifically the Theosophical approach, Raja yoga meditation & the more radical method of Krishnamurti.
Jean Carroll joined our society in 2002. She has been active in the Sunshine Coast Lodge since 2003, the year the lodge was inaugurated and has held the following positions: Publicity Officer, 2003-2009, President 2010 & 2011, National Coordinator with TOS National, 2012 -2018 and currently Secretary of Sunshine Coast Lodge & and coordinator of the TOS Sunshine Coast. Jean had a career in travel, working in both the States & Sydney prior to retiring & moving to the coast in 2001. She has organized tour groups to attend various conventions on behalf of the Theosophical Society & The Theosophical Order of Service including India 2004, 2007 & 2017, Italy following the World Congress in Rome 2012, Indo Pacific Conference in Bali. 2013 and Cambodia 2015.
Please remember to follow all current Government and Health directives. Sign-in with the QR code upon arrival, use hand sanitiser and maintain good hygiene and social distancing throughout the night. Masks are to be worn indoors at all times throughout events. While we love to see lots of people enjoying the resources, facilities, lectures and other events at BTS, if you have any cold or flu-like symptoms, please do not attend.