what is the true nature and purpose of sacred text?
Is it to give us spiritual information? For rules and regulations? Or does Sacred Text serve a purpose far more significant?
Every well-designed map has a legend to help the reader discern the written landscape.
Genesis 1 – The Seven Days of Creation Story – gives us the symbolic legend designed to unlock the remainder of the Sacred Text know as the Bible. The Seven Days are seven stages (or seven soul drives) that each advancing soul needs to pass through to obtain mastery of the soul’s callings and achieve union with the Divine. We will look briefly at these Seven Days, unlocking their sacred language, with a greater focus and emphasis on Day Two and how we can practically apply this stage to our individual spiritual development.
Darren Brunne is a spiritual teacher and thought leader in the Swedenborgian movement. After several early childhood spiritual experiences, he underwent his first awakening at 14yrs through the rich Vedic literature of the East. Another awakening occurred at 19yrs through Esoteric Christianity. He has spent the last two and half decades in spiritual healing and unlocking the Inner Sense of the Bible.
Currently, he is about to complete work on Adventures in the Apocalypse which helps the reader, verse by verse, receive the personal internal meaning of the Apocalypse and its prophecy. This study guide will awaken the seeker of truth by breaking the seven seals and bringing the advancing soul into the peace, bliss and union called New Jerusalem.
Darren is also a few months away from completing Unlocking the Power of Sacred Text which navigates the reader through the 40 parables taught by Jesus. This work reveals the inner meanings of the parables and categorises them into the Seven Days of spiritual progress. By working through this study guide, the student will learn the symbolic, prophetic language of Sacred text and thereby open up huge portions of the Bible (and other prophetic texts) by revealing the deeper inner meaning/messages.
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