The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Brisbane Lodge

Tsung Mi’s Ten Stages of Origination and Ten Stages of Reversion, with Peter Bruza

Public lecture, 7.30 - 8.30 pm, 15 September 2021.

Featured Speaker:Peter Bruza
Venue:Brisbane Lodge

original awareness, perfect illusion, awakening, rediscovery and embodiment

Kuei-feng Tsung Mi (779-841) was a respected master of both the Kegon and Chan (Zen) schools in Tang Dynasty, China. At the core of Tsung Mi’s teachings is the interpenetration of opposites. This talk will focus on the interpenetration of subject-object on which the “Ten Stages of Origination” and “Ten stages of Reversion” are based. The Ten Stages of Origination describe a human being’s descent from “original awareness” into an almost perfect illusion. The Ten Stages of Reversion describe the process of awakening from that illusion to rediscover and embody “original awareness”.  Tsung Mi was both an influentiual Buddhist scholar and zen practitioner. He was therefore ideally placed to the underpin the conceptual framing of his teachings by drawing on insights drawn from his direct experience of zen.


Peter Bruza is a Professor of Information Systems, Queensland University of Technology. He is a long time disciple of Zen master Hōgen Yamahata, Chōgen-ji Temple, Japan, and a senior zen teacher in the Open Way Zen sangha.


Please remember to follow all current Government and Health directives eg. sign-in with the QR code upon arrival, use hand sanitiser and maintain good hygiene and social distancing throughout the night. Masks are to be worn indoors at all times throughout events. While we love to see lots of people enjoying the resources, facilities, lectures and other events at BTS, if you have any cold or flu-like symptoms, please do not attend.


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