The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Brisbane Lodge

By William Meader

Inclusive Reason: Cultivating the Soul's Intuitive Mind

By Enquiries

21 February 2024 at 7:00 pm

Famous International Theosophical Speaker William Meader will grace us with his presence with a 2 hour lecture held on 21 February 2024, 7:00 - 9:00 PM. Tickets are $25/$20 for concession holders, this event is also preceded by a fully catered supper at 6:00 PM ($5.00 by donation). 355 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill Qld 4000.

Human evolution is based upon a growing responsiveness to the wisdom of the soul. Though naturally conditioned by love and intuitive insight, the soul is a representative of higher-mind as well, and is therefore an agent of Inclusive Reason. Esoterically understood, Inclusive Reason arises when the soul’s intuitions and the reasonings of the mind have been fused into a condition of cooperative rapport. As a result, a wider and more synthetic comprehension of reality emerges. In this talk, William Meader will deeply explore the subject of Inclusive Reason, and how to cultivate it within ourselves. He will also examine various perceptual distortions (created by the personality) that tend to inhibit the soul’s intuitions from being inwardly sensed. We hope you can join us.

William Meader

William Meader is an influential and respected teacher of the Esoteric Philosophy, and has established an international reputation for his gift as a communicator of this philosophy. His extensive teaching program includes a diverse array of workshops and lectures devoted to nurturing a deeper understanding of the spiritual path, both from an individual and global perspective.

After completing an undergraduate degree in business administration from Mankato State University, William acquired a Masters Degree in psychology from Pepperdine University in 1988. He obtained a Doctorate Degree in Esoteric Philosophy in 2000.


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