The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Brisbane Lodge

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LuciferEditors' Note(Ed.) (HPB)y1888v2-Julyp420
LuciferThe Theosophical Society; its Mission & its Future [as explained by M. Emile Burnouf]anon (HPB)y1888v2-Augustp421
LuciferTo Lovers of "Lucifer" (announcements)anony1888v2-Augustp434
LuciferThe Sraddha (4)Andrew T Sibbaldy1888v2-Augustp435
Luciferfootnotes to "The Sraddha"(HPB)y1888v2-Augustp435
LuciferPossession (vf)Mary R Shippeyy1888v2-Augustp441
LuciferWaves of SympathyECHCy1888v2-Augustp442
LuciferA New Light (vf)M Martin Ryany1888v2-Augustp444
LuciferThe Blossom & the Fruit: The True Story of a Magician (12)Mabel Collins & ____ ____ (HPB)y1888v2-Augustp445
LuciferThree Sonnets (The Dream, The Awakening, The Realisation) (vf)Evelyn Pyney1888v2-Augustp462
LuciferThe Vampire Tree; or, The Suicide's Old Pine, a true tale of modern Yedo (Tokio)Omori Fu-so-no Fumi Nitoy1888v2-Augustp463
LuciferAtlantis, from the Timaeus & Critias of PlatoEE Theta (GRS Mead)y1888v2-Augustp465
LuciferThe Daily Sacrifice (vf)Mary W Galey1888v2-Augustp470
LuciferA FragmentMM Phelony1888v2-Augustp471
LuciferMiscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1888v2-Augustp472
LuciferMy Uncle's Strange StoryR Hartey1888v2-Augustp473
Lucifer"Chaos & Old Night" (vf)M Mully1888v2-Augustp481
LuciferOur Christian 19th-C EthicsAdversa (HPB)y1888v2-Augustp482
Luciferreview - Reincarnation by ED Walkeranony1888v2-Augustp485
Luciferreview - Hamlet' - Restorations & Emendations by Matthias Mullanon (Charles Johnston perhaps)y1888v2-Augustp487
Luciferreview - A Trilogy of the Life to Come & other poems by Robert Brownanony1888v2-Augustp490
Lucifercorrespondence - Is this an Error?Euphratesy1888v2-Augustp492
LuciferNo Error (a reply to Euphrates)JRS (? J Ralston Skinner 1830-1893)y1888v2-Augustp492
LuciferNote re "Euphrates"[Ed.] (HPB)y1888v2-Augustp495
LuciferThe Devil! Who is He? Jesus, or the Priest? (1)TG Headleyy1888v2-Augustp495
LuciferEditors' Noteanony1888v2-Augustp497
LuciferA LessonHP Mukerjiy1888v2-Augustp497
LuciferMiscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1888v2-Augustp497
LuciferEditor's note in reply to HP Mukerjianon (HPB)y1888v2-Augustp497
LuciferThe "Chaste Tree"WN Galey1888v2-Augustp498
LuciferEditor's note in reply to WN Galeanon (HPB)y1888v2-Augustp498
LuciferTheosophical & Mystic Publications - variousanony1888v2-Augustp499
The PathThe Third Year (1888/4/1)anony1888v3i1Aprilp1
The PathThe Tide of Life (1) (Annotated by HP Blavatsky) Discussing Genesis (1888/4/1)Charles Johnston FTSy1888v3i1Aprilp2
The PathA Servant of the Masters. Col HS Olcott (1888/4/1)William Q Judgey1888v3i1Aprilp8
The PathPartisanship in Theosophy. A Paper read before the Aryan TS of New York, (1888/3/20)Alexander Fullerton FTSy1888v3i1Aprilp12
The PathConversations on Occultism - The Kali Yuga - The Present Age (1888/4/1)Unsignedy1888v3i1Aprilp17
The PathAnswers to Questioners (1888/4/1)Zadok & Hadij (Harij?)y1888v3i1Aprilp21
The Pathreview - 'Reincarnation' by ED Walkeranony1888v3i1Aprilp23
The Pathreview - 'Golden Rules of Buddhism' comp by Henry S Olcottanony1888v3i1Aprilp24
The Pathreview - 'The Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians' by Franz Hartmannanony1888v3i1Aprilp25
The Pathreview - 'A Visishtadwaita Catechism' by N Bhashyacharyaanony1888v3i1Aprilp26
The PathTheosophical Activitiesanony1888v3i1Aprilp27
The PathTea Table Talk (1888/4/1)Juliusy1888v3i1Aprilp29
The PathThe Singing Silences (vf)Niziday1888v3i1Aprilp32
The PathImpulse (1888/4/1)Unsignedy1888v3i1April-
The PathThe Bhagavad-Gita (7) (from March)William Brehon FTSy1888v3i2Mayp33
The Pathfiller, quoted from Isis Unveiled(HPB)y1888v3i2Mayp33
The Pathfiller, quoted from Svetasvatara-Upanishad, 5th Adhanon, variousy1888v3i2Mayp33
The PathTheosophy in Tennyson's "Idylls of the King" (1) A Paper read before the Malden Theosophical SocietyFS Collinsy1888v3i2Mayp37
Showing 5301 to 5350 of 211352 entries