The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Brisbane Lodge

All entries

The TheosophistThe Angel Peacock (II)Mabel Collinsy1888v9-Marchp356
The TheosophistInitiationK.y1888v9-Marchp364
The TheosophistKaivalyanavanita (9) (121-140)TM Sundaram Pillayy1888v9-Marchp365
The TheosophistThe Anatomy of the TantrasBBy1888v9-Marchp370
The TheosophistOde on Self (tr of the "Atma-Khatak" by AG)Sankaracharyay1888v9-Marchp374
The Theosophistcorrespondence - A Strange CaseA. Constantiney1888v9-Marchp375
The Theosophistcorrespondence - The Date of BuddhaBaroda Prasad Basuy1888v9-Marchp377
The Theosophistcorrespondence - ApparitionsKP Mukerjiy1888v9-Marchp377
The Theosophistcorrespondence - An Adept or What?Jwala Prasaday1888v9-Marchp378
The Theosophistcorrespondence - Religious ArbitrationKP Mukerjiy1888v9-Marchp378
The Theosophistcorrespondence - Self Levitation, et ceteraA. Banony1888v9-Marchp379
The TheosophistThe "Boat" of Kapila (a review of "The Sankhya Karika" by Iswara Krishna)HS Olcotty1888v9-Marchp380
The TheosophistThe Way to the Path (a review of "A Guide to Theosophy" by Tukaram Tatya)HS Olcotty1888v9-Marchp381
The Theosophistobituary - P Jagannath Raz Sahibanony1888v9-April+p35
The TheosophistEnglish Notesanony1888v9-April+p35
The Theosophistobituary - Mrs Anna Kingsford (1846-1888)anony1888v9-April+p35
The TheosophistThe Physical Portents of an AvatarHS Olcotty1888v9-Aprilp385
The TheosophistTravestied Teachings (VII)Henry Pratty1888v9-Aprilp395
The TheosophistEsoteric Buddhism & its Cosmogony (rprnt) (IV)ED Fawcetty1888v9-Aprilp402
The TheosophistThe Angel Peacock (III)Mabel Collinsy1888v9-Aprilp407
The TheosophistThe VedantaAJ Cooper-Oakleyy1888v9-Aprilp411
The TheosophistPsychism & the Fourth DimensionCharles Johnstony1888v9-Aprilp423
The TheosophistThe Vedic CommentatorsN Bhashya Charyay1888v9-Aprilp428
The TheosophistKaivalyanavanita (10) (141-161)TM Sundaram Pillaiy1888v9-Aprilp437
The TheosophistThe Beans of PythagorasA. Toorniery1888v9-Aprilp442
The Theosophist"Duty" (1)anony1888v9-Aprilp442
The TheosophistEditor's noteHS Olcotty1888v9-Aprilp443
The TheosophistMadame Blavatskyanony1888v9-May+p37
The TheosophistAncient SacrificesC Carter Blakey1888v9-Mayp449
The TheosophistOn the Pre-existence of the Soul (rprnt)Howard Cartery1888v9-Mayp456
The TheosophistEsoteric Buddhism & its Cosmogony (rprnt) (V)ED Fawcetty1888v9-Mayp460
The TheosophistTravestied Teachings (VIII)Henry Pratty1888v9-Mayp463
The TheosophistThe Angel Peacock (IV)Mabel Collinsy1888v9-Mayp472
The TheosophistNature's Finer Forces (3)Rama Prasady1888v9-Mayp478
The TheosophistRenunciationMaurice Fredaly1888v9-Mayp489
The TheosophistEastern & Western Scienceanony1888v9-Mayp492
The TheosophistEmerson & Occult LawsCharles Johnstony1888v9-Mayp493
The TheosophistKaivalyanavanita (11) (162-180)TM Sundaram Pillaiy1888v9-Mayp498
The Theosophistcorrespondence - Hashchisch Visions (article by Mary C Hungerford)JF Crawfordy1888v9-Mayp503
The TheosophistNadigranthamsN Chidambaram Iyery1888v9-Mayp504
The TheosophistThe Posthumous Picture World - a review of "Visions" by MA (Oxon)HS Olcotty1888v9-Mayp505
The Theosophistreview - The Divine Kural (vf)T Venkatarama Iyengary1888v9-Mayp507
The Theosophistreview - The Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians by Dr Hartmannanony1888v9-Mayp510
The Theosophistreview - Reincarnation, a study of Forgotten Truth by E. D. Walkeranony1888v9-Mayp512
The TheosophistResignations of T Subba Row & JN Cookanony1888v9-June+p41
The Theosophist(Spiritualism being undermined by Theosophy)anon spiritualisty1888v9-June+p42
The TheosophistTravestied Teachings (IX)Henry Pratty1888v9-Junep513
The TheosophistUttargitaB Jaya Raja Rauy1888v9-Junep518
The TheosophistThe Physiology of YogamNCy1888v9-Junep528
The TheosophistThe Angel Peacock (V)Mabel Collinsy1888v9-Junep532
Showing 5851 to 5900 of 211352 entries