The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Brisbane Lodge

All entries

The TheosophistA Musalman Abdal (Yogi)Syed Mahmood (1850-1903)y1880v1-Februaryp130
The TheosophistThe Mystic Syllable Onkara: its Meaning, Antiquity, & Universal ApplicationRB Dadoba Pandurangy1880v1-Februaryp131
The Theosophist[A collection of the quaint weapons of war]anony1880v1-Februaryp132
The Theosophist[Pali translators needed for work with the Theosophist]anony1880v1-Februaryp132
The Theosophist[Swami Dayanund Saraswati refused free speech by a Benares Magistrate]anony1880v1-Februaryp132
The Theosophist[HS Olcott elected an Honorary Member of the Brahmámrit Varshini Sabha]anony1880v1-Februaryp132
The Theosophist[Indian Spectator (Bombay): Under new management]anony1880v1-Februaryp132
The TheosophistThe Theosophist, Bombay, March 1st, 1880Editory1880v1-Marchp133
The Theosophist[printers' mistakes]anon (HPB)y1880v1-Marchp134
The TheosophistMiscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1880v1-Marchp134
The TheosophistA Medal of Honour (1)Kharsedji N Seervaiy1880v1-Marchp134
The TheosophistZoroasterSorabji Jamaspji Padshah (1856-1927)y1880v1-Marchp135
The TheosophistVisitors from Shadow-landWilliam Templey1880v1-Marchp136
The TheosophistTrue & False PersonalityCC Massey (1838-1905)y1880v1-Marchp137
The Theosophist[Chicago Journal devoted to Spiritualism; 50,000 readers claimed]anony1880v1-Marchp137
The Theosophist[Cautionary notice on hair restorer dyes; many contain lead acetate]anony1880v1-Marchp140
The TheosophistSwami versus MissionaryJ Grayy1880v1-Marchp141
The TheosophistComments on "Swami versus Missionary"(HPB)y1880v1-Marchp141
The TheosophistSwamiji repliesDayanand Saraswati Swami (1825-1883)y1880v1-Marchp142
The TheosophistWhy is Theology so Neglected? (rprnt NY Sun)anony1880v1-Marchp142
The Theosophist[The Count N de Gonemys intends to publish a book on allopathy, homeopathy, and animal magnetism]anony1880v1-Marchp142
The TheosophistThe DnyaneshvariMV Leley1880v1-Marchp142
The TheosophistHow best to become a TheosophistHS Olcotty1880v1-Marchp143
The Theosophist[Revised rules to be issued in six languages]anony1880v1-Marchp144
The Theosophist[Stones discovered in Erivan inscribed with cuneiform characters]anon (HPB)y1880v1-Marchp144
The TheosophistA Jewel in the Old Rubbish, the Brahat Sanhita of Varaha Mihira (tr N Chidambara)Govind W Kanitkary1880v1-Marchp144
The TheosophistThe Buddhist Idea about Soul (tr from p122 "Postscript" by HS)H Sumangalay1880v1-Marchp144
The TheosophistMiscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1880v1-Marchp144
The TheosophistThe Madras Yogi Sabhapaty SwamiAn Admirery1880v1-Marchp145
The TheosophistHow the Yogis & Rishees pass their lives in the AshrumSabhapaty Swamiy1880v1-Marchp146
The Theosophist[Comments on "The Madras Yogi, Sabhapaty Swami"]Ed. Theos.y1880v1-Marchp147
The TheosophistThe Society's Fourth AnniversaryHS Olcotty1880v1-Marchp147
The TheosophistThe Society's Fourth AnniversaryRB Gopalrao Hurry Deshmukhy1880v1-Marchp147
The Theosophist[List of Exhibitors and their Articles]anony1880v1-Marchp150
The Theosophist[Cases of human longevity; various sources]anony1880v1-Marchp150
The Theosophist[Bombay evening Lectures given]anony1880v1-Marchp151
The TheosophistShraddha & PindaEditory1880v1-Marchp151
The TheosophistOur "American Pandit"Rama Misra Shastriy1880v1-Marchp151
The TheosophistSwami's Answer (to a question on the origin of performing Shraddhá to departed ancestors?)Dayanand Saraswati Swamiy1880v1-Marchp151
The TheosophistTurkish Effendi on Christendom & Islam"A Turkish Effendi"y1880v1-Marchp152
The Theosophist[Edward Wimbridge's etched map of railway system of India; mentioned, not illustrated]anony1880v1-Marchp156
The TheosophistThe Aryan RevivalShooshee Bhoosun Mookerjiy1880v1-Marchp157
The TheosophistGesture-Speech - Observations on the sign language of the North American IndiansGarrick Malleryy1880v1-Marchp157
The TheosophistThe Vedant Darsana (Vedanta Philosophy)Rama Misra Shastriy1880v1-Marchp158
The TheosophistA Land of Mystery (I)HP Blavatskyy1880v1-Marchp159
The TheosophistPuzzles for the Philologists (1)Ramchandra Bapuji Jadhav Raoy1880v1-Marchp161
The TheosophistWhich first - the Egg or the Bird?HP Blavatskyy1880v1-Marchp162
The TheosophistCup-Mark InscriptionsHP Blavatskyy1880v1-Marchp163
The Theosophist[Seven old coins donated by Mr Rivett-Carnac]HP Blavatskyy1880v1-Marchp163
The TheosophistWe have exceeded the number of pages promised for the Theosophistanony1880v1-Marchp163
Showing 151 to 200 of 211352 entries