The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Brisbane Lodge

All entries

The Theosophistcorrespondence - Most Respected Madame Blavatsky* * * FTSy1886v8-Novemberp128
The TheosophistAnglo-Buddhism (rprnt Globe)anony1886v8-Dec+p11
The Theosophist"The Second Wave"Charles Johnstony1886v8-Decemberp129
The TheosophistHimalayan Folk Lore (I)AT Banony1886v8-Decemberp132
The TheosophistNotes on Hatha YogaThe Solar Sphinxy1886v8-Decemberp138
The TheosophistTheosophical SpeculationsED Fawcetty1886v8-Decemberp140
The TheosophistHindu PantheismSarat Chunder Mookerjeey1886v8-Decemberp146
The TheosophistAre not the Aryas Autochthonous?Mahadev Trimbak Yogy1886v8-Decemberp148
The TheosophistThe Revival of Occultism (rprnt)Mathieu Vialy1886v8-Decemberp160
The TheosophistWagner's "Parsifal" (1)W Aston Ellisy1886v8-Decemberp162
The TheosophistRaj Yog (IX)BP Narasimmiahy1886v8-Decemberp169
The TheosophistUnpublished writings 4-14Eliphas Leviy1886v8-Decemberp174
The TheosophistSapta-Bhumika (2)P Sreenevas Rowy1886v8-Decemberp178
The TheosophistCan Matter Think? (brief note)Couesy1886v8-Decemberp190
Transactions of the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society first seriesA Paper on KrishnaMohini M Chatterjiy1886-i9Junep1
Transactions of the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society first seriesOn MesmerismAP Sinnetty1886-i10Julyp1
Transactions of the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society first seriesTheosophy in the Works of Richard WagnerWilliam Ashton Ellisy1886-i11Augustp1
The PathThe Elementals (1) the Elementary Spirits & the Relationship between them & Human BeingsCHA Bjerregaardy1887v1i10Januaryp289
The PathWhat is the "Theosophical Society"?FAy1887v1i10Januaryp300
The PathRotation - Individual EvolutionJasper Niemand FTSy1887v1i10Januaryp304
The PathThoughts in Solitude (1)Pilgrimy1887v1i10Januaryp308
The PathTea Table Talk - The Tendency of the Present Civilization. An Ancient Hindu StoryJuliusy1887v1i10Januaryp314
The PathBoston Branch - Report (America)-y1887v1i10Januaryp317
The PathNew York The Aryan Theosophical Society. Mohini M Chatterji gave address, also Col Ayme - Report (America)-y1887v1i10Januaryp318
The PathThe American Theosophical Council. Convention held in Cincinnati, O,-y1887v1i10Januaryp318
The PathCalifornia Re Los Angeles & Oakland Branches - Report (America)-y1887v1i10Januaryp318
The PathMalden Branch. Lecture by Mohini M Chatterji (1886/12/6) - Report (America)-y1887v1i10Januaryp318
The PathChicago Branch (1886/12/4) - Report (America)-y1887v1i10Januaryp319
The Pathreview - Notes & Queries by Brother Gould-y1887v1i10Januaryp319
The Pathreview - The Theosophist Leading Article of November 1886 by HP Blavatsky-y1887v1i10Januaryp319
The PathLtte (& readers)HP Blavatskyy1887v1i10Januaryp320
The Pathfiller, quoted from the Maitrayana-Brahmana-Upanishadanon, variousy1887v1i10Januaryp320
The PathEsoteric Buddhism. New American Edition (book)anony1887v1i10Januaryp320
The Pathreview - Psychometry & Thought Transference by NC, FTS with introduction by HS Olcott-y1887v1i10Januaryp320
The Pathreview - The Platonist-y1887v1i10Januaryp320
The PathThe Elementals (2) the Elementary Spirits & the Relationship between Them & Human BeingsCHA Bjerregaardy1887v1i11Februaryp321
The PathPoetical Occultism (4) Some Rough Studies of the Occult Leanings of the PoetSBJy1887v1i11Februaryp331
The PathHindu Symbolism (3)Isaac Myer (also Meyer)y1887v1i11Februaryp334
The PathLight on the PathCharles Johnstony1887v1i11Februaryp335
The PathMusings on the True Theosophist's PathAmerican Mysticy1887v1i11Februaryp339
The PathThought EffectsHNH FTSy1887v1i11Februaryp341
The PathEnvironment. Karma & Reincarnation & the WestHadji Erinny1887v1i11Februaryp346
The PathTea Table TalkJuliusy1887v1i11Februaryp348
The Pathfiller, quoted from Buddhaghosha Parablesanon, variousy1887v1i11Februaryp352
The PathA Year on the PathUnsignedy1887v1i12Marchp353
The PathWhat is True "Christianity"?F Hartmann MDy1887v1i12Marchp355
The PathPapyrus - The GemRameses (likely Clement Griscom)y1887v1i12Marchp359
The PathHeralds from the Unseen (1) (Concluded in April 1887)Jasper Niemand FTSy1887v1i12Marchp361
The PathThoughts in Solitude (2)Pilgrimy1887v1i12Marchp367
The PathHindu Symbolism (4)Isaac Myery1887v1i12Marchp370
Showing 4351 to 4400 of 211352 entries