The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Brisbane Lodge

Theosophy-Science Group Newsletter

Solar System Objects - TritonHugh Murdochy1992-i14Februaryp3
Solar System Objects - Earth EncounterHugh Murdochy1992-i14Februaryp3
Solar System Objects - Asteroids And CometsHugh Murdochy1992-i14Februaryp4
Solar System Objects - VenusHugh Murdochy1992-i14Februaryp4
Other Astronomical Topics - Pulsar Planets (See August Newsletter)Hugh Murdochy1992-i14Februaryp5
Other Astronomical Topics - Lumpy Big Bang?Hugh Murdochy1992-i14Februaryp5
Quantum PhysicsHugh Murdochy1992-i14Februaryp6
Theories Of EverythingHugh Murdochy1992-i14Februaryp6
review - 'The Matter Myth' by Davies and GribbinHugh Murdochy1992-i14Februaryp9
Crop CirclesHugh Murdochy1992-i14Februaryp10
review - 'Gaia: The Practical Side of Planetary Medicine' by James LovelockHugh Murdochy1992-i14Februaryp11
Sundry Topics - Chast, Mass ExtinctionHugh Murdochy1992-i14Februaryp12
Sydney GroupHugh Murdochy1992-i15Mayp1
Manor SeminarHugh Murdochy1992-i15Mayp1
Chaos and LifeHugh Murdochy1992-i15Mayp1
News of Members - Richard SHugh Murdochy1992-i15Mayp3
News of Members - Victor GostinHugh Murdochy1992-i15Mayp4
Crop Circles - CommentsMorry Secresty1992-i15Mayp4
News of Members - David EaglesHugh Murdochy1992-i15Mayp4
Crop Circles - One Suggested ExplanationHugh Murdochy1992-i15Mayp5
CHASTHugh Murdochy1992-i15Mayp6
Quantum CosmologyHugh Murdochy1992-i15Mayp7
Quantum Cosmology - Baby UniversesHugh Murdochy1992-i15Mayp8
Quantum Cosmology - Natural Selection Of UniversesHugh Murdochy1992-i15Mayp9
Quantum Cosmology - CommentHugh Murdochy1992-i15Mayp9
Quantum Cosmology - Theosophical ImplicationsHugh Murdochy1992-i15Mayp9
The Progress of ScienceHugh Murdochy1992-i15Mayp10
The Cosmic Microwave Background RadiationHugh Murdochy1992-i15Mayp10
The Progress of Science - CommentHugh Murdochy1992-i15Mayp11
The Progress of Science - Feynmann on the Role of Imagination in ScienceHugh Murdochy1992-i15Mayp11
Paul DaviesHugh Murdochy1992-i15Mayp12
Editorial NoteHugh Murdochy1992-i16Augustp1
Sydney Group and Manor SeminarHugh Murdochy1992-i16Augustp1
Paul DaviesHugh Murdochy1992-i16Augustp2
In Defence of Paul DaviesHugh Murdochy1992-i16Augustp3
Attitudes to ScienceHugh Murdochy1992-i16Augustp5
Extract from Letter from Patrick Milburn to Joy Mills, and Explanatory Biographical NotesHugh Murdochy1992-i16Augustp6
Science and MysticismHugh Murdochy1992-i16Augustp6
Extract from Letter from Patrick Milburn to Joy Mills - Antichaos and AdaptationHugh Murdochy1992-i16Augustp7
Extract from Letter from Patrick Milburn to Joy Mills - Smart GenesHugh Murdochy1992-i16Augustp8
Biological Utilization of Quantum NonlocalityHugh Murdochy1992-i16Augustp9
Process ThoughtHugh Murdochy1992-i16Augustp10
New Results from the Hubble Space Telescope - The Age of the UniverseHugh Murdochy1992-i16Augustp11
Lester SmithHugh Murdochy1992-i17Novemberp1
Process Thought - John Cobb and the Templeton Lecture 'The Cosmos and God'Hugh Murdochy1992-i17Novemberp2
obituary - David Bohm - Brief Account of Bohm's CareerHugh Murdochy1992-i17Novemberp4
Sundry Topics - David LynessHugh Murdochy1992-i17Novemberp6
Sundry Topics - Victor Gostin, Crop Circles, Convention, CHAST, Theosophy/Science Weekend at Tekels ParkHugh Murdochy1992-i17Novemberp7
Occult Chemistry Once AgainHugh Murdochy1992-i17Novemberp8
Occult Chemistry Once Again - New Book by Stephen PhillipsHugh Murdochy1992-i17Novemberp10
Showing 151 to 200 of 753 entries