Death the Gate to Life [reprint from 'The Other Side of Death'] | CW Leadbeater | y1968 | v23 | i5 | May | p3 |
The Transforming Experience in Daily Life [reprint from 'The Theosophist'] | NK Chosky | y1968 | v23 | i6 | Sep | p1 |
Great Horizons [reprint from 'Sunrise'] | Alice Comerford | y1968 | v23 | i6 | Sep | p2 |
Wisdom in the Heart [reprint from 'The Human Interest'] | N Sri Ram | y1968 | v23 | i6 | Sep | p3 |
The Law of Opportunity | E Norman Pearson | y1968 | v23 | i7 | Oct | p1 |
Drops of Rain | Fred Morgan | y1968 | v23 | i7 | Oct | p2 |
Law After Law of Nature,... | C Jinarajadasa | y1968 | v23 | i7 | Oct | p3 |
The Vision of Truth | C Jinarajadasa | y1968 | v23 | i8 | Nov | p1 |
The Wisdom Self [reprint from 'The Theosophist'] | MR Walker | y1968 | v23 | i8 | Nov | p2 |
Great Horizons | S Radhakrishnan | y1968 | v23 | i8 | Nov | p3 |
Star of Long Ago [reprint from 'Sunrise'] | Madeline Clark | y1968 | v23 | i9 | Dec | p1 |
The Stars Shine On! | Thea Hehr | y1968 | v23 | i9 | Dec | p2 |
The Creative Image | Jay Finley Downs | y1968 | v23 | i9 | Dec | p3 |
Great Horizons [reprint from 'Golden Precepts'] | G de Purucker | y1968 | v23 | i9 | Dec | p3 |
Right Action [reprint from 'The Human Interest'] | N Sri Ram | y1969 | v24 | i1 | Jan | p1 |
Great Horizons [reprint from 'The Doctrine of the Heart'] | Annie Besant | y1969 | v24 | i1 | Jan | p2 |
Who Are You? | Carle A Christensen | y1969 | v24 | i1 | Jan | p3 |
The Future of Brotherhood [reprint from 'The American Theosophist'] | C Jinarajadasa | y1969 | v24 | i2 | Feb | p1 |
A Meditation for February [reprint from 'The American Theosophist'] | Donna Sherry | y1969 | v24 | i2 | Feb | p2 |
Great Horizons | Ralph Waldo Emerson | y1969 | v24 | i2 | Feb | p3 |
The Stranger | Fred Morgan | y1969 | v24 | i3 | Mar | p1 |
Great Horizons | Benedetto Croce | y1969 | v24 | i3 | Mar | p2 |
Meditation for March | Donna Sherry | y1969 | v24 | i3 | Mar | p3 |
The Message of Easter | CD Eldridge | y1969 | v24 | i4 | Apr | p1 |
Great Horizons [reprint from 'The Human Interest'] | N Sri Ram | y1969 | v24 | i4 | Apr | p2 |
Meditation for April [reprint from 'The American Theosophist'] | Donna Sherry | y1969 | v24 | i4 | Apr | p3 |
Who Wants Happiness? | John Coats | y1969 | v24 | i5 | May | p1 |
Meditation for May | Donna Sherry | y1969 | v24 | i5 | May | p2 |
Who Brings the Truth | Fred Morgan | y1969 | v24 | i6 | Sep | p1 |
Our Present Lack of Recollection of Past Lives... [reprint from 'History of the Doctrine of a Future Life' 1878] | William R Alger | y1969 | v24 | i6 | Sep | p2 |
Meditation for September | Donna Sherry | y1969 | v24 | i6 | Sep | p3 |
Divine Involvement [reprint from 'Sunrise'] | George Emerson Haynes | y1969 | v24 | i7 | Oct | p1 |
Of All The Arts That Exists,... | N Sri Ram | y1969 | v24 | i7 | Oct | p2 |
A Meditation of October | Donna Sherry | y1969 | v24 | i7 | Oct | p3 |
The Quality of Love [reprint from 'The Creative Power'] | Clara Codd | y1969 | v24 | i8 | Nov | p1 |
A Meditation for November | Donna Sherry | y1969 | v24 | i8 | Nov | p2 |
The Mystery of God's Being... | Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan | y1969 | v24 | i8 | Nov | p3 |
Reflections in Perspective [reprint from 'Sunrise'] | JAL | y1969 | v24 | i9 | Dec | p1 |
The Christmas Season | Robert Crosbie | y1969 | v24 | i9 | Dec | p2 |
A Meditation for December | Donna Sherry | y1969 | v24 | i9 | Dec | p3 |
Yesterday's Tomorrow | Joy Mills | y1970 | v25 | i1 | Jan | p1 |
The New Year's Promise | HP Blavatsky | y1970 | v25 | i1 | Jan | p2 |
The New Year [reprint from 'When the Sun Moves Northward'] | Mabel Collins | y1970 | v25 | i1 | Jan | p3 |
Who Is Your Brother? [reprint from 'You and Your World'] | Emogene S Simons | y1970 | v25 | i2 | Feb | p1 |
Great Horizons | FTS | y1970 | v25 | i2 | Feb | p2 |
Each Other | George Koch | y1970 | v25 | i2 | Feb | p3 |
Spiritual Progress [reprint from 'Lucifer'] | HP Blavatsky | y1970 | v25 | i3 | Mar | p1 |
The Importance of Living [reprint from 'Harvest'] | Shirley Young | y1970 | v25 | i3 | Mar | p2 |
Great Horizons | Hugh Shearman | y1970 | v25 | i3 | Mar | p3 |
The Flowering of Life [reprint from 'World Theosophy'] | Grace Evelyn Brown | y1970 | v25 | i4 | Apr | p1 |