What are these animated particles dashing about in the air before me? | CWL | y1897 | - | - | - | p541 |
Is the auric shell always an advantage or could it make one unsympathetic to others? | SMS | y1897 | - | - | - | p543 |
(64) The Akashic Records - their location, duration, arrangement & access | BK | y1897 | - | - | - | p547 |
How does one date âkâshic record images? | CWL | y1897 | - | - | - | p553 |
Might a dead person feel a sensation of burning while his body is being cremated? | CWL | y1897 | - | - | - | p590 |
(3) states of consciousness, (4) real progress, (5) recollection of previous lives? | BK | y1897 | - | - | - | p596 |
(71) What is the effect of Hashish upon (1) mental development, (2) memory | BK | y1897 | - | - | - | p596 |
In cases of so-called "spirit control", can two astral bodies occupy one physical body at the same time? | AMG | y1897 | - | - | - | p607 |
Why should mediumship be injurious to health? | CWL | y1897 | - | - | - | p608 |
Is there any astronomical basis for thinking an astrological conjunction will yield disastrous effects? | CWL | y1897 | - | - | - | p618 |
Which Occult Science should we study first? None, is the answer | BK | y1897 | - | - | - | p622 |
(76) Is the eighth sphere identical with Avîchi (Avitchi) or hell? | CWL | y1897 | - | - | - | p627 |
(78) The Moon & Vegetation - Does the Moon influence vegetation? (see the Theosophist Oct 1888 p59) | CWL | y1897 | - | - | - | p634 |
What conclusions did the Trinidad committee of 1888 (on the Moon & vegetation) come to? | CWL | y1897 | - | - | - | p637 |
(84) Races - How are physical differences produced in a new root-race? | CWL | y1897 | - | - | - | p671 |
What representatives are now left on earth of the different sub-races of the 4th root-race? | CWL | y1897 | - | - | - | p673 |
Are there any definite characteristics by which examples of the different root-races may be distinguished? | CWL | y1897 | - | - | - | p675 |
To what root-race & sub-race do the Japanese belong? (7th sub-race of the 4th root-race) | AB | y1897 | - | - | - | p677 |
(85) Mânasaputras - What does this term mean? ("Son of mind") | BK | y1897 | - | - | - | p682 |
Yes, the references in the SD to Mânasaputras are contradictory & confusing | AMG | y1897 | - | - | - | p683 |
(86) The Planetary Chain - Why have some chains three planets on the physical while others have only one? | CWL | y1897 | - | - | - | p686 |
Are globes B & F the astral plane, and A & G the devachanic plane? (No) | CWL | y1897 | - | - | - | p688 |
The functions of the Three Logoi in the evolution of humanity & their correspondence to the Christian Trinity | CWL | y1897 | - | - | - | p695 |
Reincarnation & gender - the law of sex - birth as man or woman | CWL | y1898 | - | - | - | p27 |
(17) Karma & Liberation - all karma binds | AAW | y1898 | - | - | - | p112 |
Why is any karma delayed? Why do not effects immediately follow causes? | AAW | y1898 | - | - | - | p113 |
Is it possible that we are not the cause of some of our suffering? | CWL | y1898 | - | - | - | p122 |
The vicarious suffering of Christ - how is it to be understood? | AAW | y1898 | - | - | - | p135 |
(21) What of the Karma of Selfishness? How is selfishness punished by karma? | CWL | y1898 | - | - | - | p146 |
Why do our actual conditions not appear to depend on our actions in past lives? | AAW | y1898 | - | - | - | p147 |
(23) Karma & Free-Will - What relation does free-will bear to a man's karma? | AAW | y1898 | - | - | - | p153 |
The view of Bardaisan the Gnostic on Free-will, Fate & Nature | GRSM | y1898 | - | - | - | p154 |
(26) Personal Questions - Annihilation seemed preferable to further suffering | AAW | y1898 | - | - | - | p166 |
(27) Stages of Progress - the tendency is always towards equilibrium | BK | y1898 | - | - | - | p176 |
Can great faculty suddenly spring up between one life & the next? | EG, AAW | y1898 | - | - | - | p177 |
(34) Thought-Forms - elemental essence - self-consciousness of elementals | CWL | y1898 | - | - | - | p236 |
Why did initiation into the Mysteries usually take place in a cave or subterranean building? | AAW | y1898 | - | - | - | p261 |
(41) Speaking with Tongues - Undisciplined enthusiasm - glossolalia - 1 Corinthians 14:2 | GRSM | y1898 | - | - | - | p263 |
What is the fundamental Creed of Christendom? | GRSM | y1898 | - | - | - | p286 |
What does theosophy teach about "the Christ spirit"? | GRSM | y1898 | - | - | - | p287 |
What is the origin of the Catholic doctrine of the Real Presence in the bread & wine? | AAW | y1898 | - | - | - | p295 |
What is the occult meaning of the Holy Communion & other Sacraments? Five points | AB | y1898 | - | - | - | p297 |
(45) King Solomon & his temple, real or mythical? | GRSM | y1898 | - | - | - | p303 |
The allegory of the sheepfold - "all that ever came before me are thieves & robbers" | GRSM | y1898 | - | - | - | p308 |
What interpretation does Theosophy put on the healing of the palsied man? - Mark 2:5, 10 | GRSM | y1898 | - | - | - | p309 |
Does Plato teach the theory of metempsychosis? (Phaedrus 249B) | GRSM | y1898 | - | - | - | p339 |
Why did Plato express himself so ambiguously that even his followers were confused? | GRSM | y1898 | - | - | - | p343 |
Pythagoras and the pairs of opposites - the union of the square & the oblong | GRSM | y1898 | - | - | - | p351 |
(48) The Rosicrucians - historical evidence of their origins | ICO | y1898 | - | - | - | p356 |
(49) Buddha & Buddhism - Why is Buddhism spoken of by scholars as agnostic & negative? | JCC | y1898 | - | - | - | p358 |