The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Brisbane Lodge

Extracts from the Vahan

(29) Destruction of Animal Life - What is the attitude of theosophy towards forms of life that are harmful?MPy1901---p206
Tigers & venomous snakesAAWy1901---p207
(31) Responsibility for one's Vehicles - appendages of the soul: the view of IsidorusGRSMy1901---p223
The training of the will in the vehicles, each of which has a will of its ownBKy1901---p224
Are the dark sayings of Matthew 10:34, 35 and 19:11, 12 & Luke 14:26 authentic teachings?GRSMy1901---p318
Does Buddhism admit a permanent reincarnating something?APSy1901---p360
(51) States of Consciousness - What is cosmic consciousness in theosophical terms?ALBHy1901---p385
How can we & should we benefit others on the astral plane?AAWy1901---p422
The astral plane is a world of effects not of causes: APS vs CWL - no real disagreementAPSy1901---p445
When, during the cycle of reincarnation, do we advance? If spirits can't be helped, why try?KBy1901---p448
The life of infants after deathAAWy1901---p448
an addition to AAW's replyFAy1901---p451
an afterword to my old friend FAAAWy1901---p452
What is the nature & extent of the "devachanic delusion"?AAWy1901---p477
When the soul is free of the body, does the body carry on its usual functions?APSy1901---p500
What is Memory?APSy1901---p555
How does the use of meat, wine & tobacco hinder the ability to work effectively on the astral sub-planes?APS, MCL, FMMRy1901---p577
(as for p577)MEGy1901---p579
(as for p577)SMSy1901---p580
(70) Cremation - Is there not a danger?EAB, ELy1901---p589
What linkage or correlation is there between spirituality & psychic powers?WSEy1901---p603
Does Divine wisdom admit of exceptional cases of infant spirit development in the "other world"?AAWy1901---p605
(80) Twin Souls - What is the underlying truth?GRSM, AWy1901---p645
Perhaps twin souls date from a Greek myth of an androgyne raceEL, ALBHy1901---p646
If the First-Cause is all-wise, how can there be any evil at any subsequent stage?AAWy1901---p659
If there is no Devil, how account for the frequent allusions by Christ & Buddha to such an individuality?AAWy1901---p665
Which planet is referred to by the word Mercury in the SD?WSEy1901---p689
(87) The Logoi - What is the difference between the Blessed Lord of the Gîtâ & the Absolute, the Unmanifest?GRSMy1901---p692
May we not offer Jesus our special gratitude & love?AAWy1901---p721
Why does it happen that one frequently fails to obtain a reply from a Master?Ry1901---p725
When the Masters do answer or appeal, it is seldom in a way comprehensible to our physical brainAAWy1901---p726
reply to AROAAWy1901---p728
query to AAWAROy1901---p728
The reconciliation of two teachings - "by no deed soever" versus "according to deeds"GRSMy1901---p775
Rapid progress is "normal" for some EgosEABy1901---p779
Reincarnation & the mystery of our first birth, our first lifeAPSy1902---p37
The mystery of the beginning, of the manifestation of anythingBKy1902---p40
Can CWL explain undeserved suffering? (See Q29, p68)SSy1902---p124
There must be a commencement to each chain of karmic causationCWLy1902---p124
Unwise aid - The combined karmic results of a mistaken action & a good intentionBKy1902---p127
Free-will vs predeterminationAHWy1902---p154
There is no solution to Free-will vs determination as long as either is regarded as absoluteGRSM, SC (? Sarah Corbett)y1902---p155
What is the cause of my fits of great depression?ABC, ELy1902---p168
(depressed? - see a doctor)AHWy1902---p169
Untruth, is it ever helpful, advisable or necessary?AHWy1902---p190
Confusion over thought-forms & astral vibrationsBKy1902---p237
How can Christian Science heal with thought?MASy1902---p240
reply to MASBKy1902---p241
(35) Does utterance, expression, or action, (or acting out) intensify or weaken Thought?AAWy1902---p243
Does action exhaust thought?BKy1902---p244
Showing 401 to 450 of 512 entries