Thinking Soul, Finding The Thought Forms… | Bronia Iwanczak | y2016 | v114 | i7 | July | p230 |
Love And Service: Twin Stars Of Brotherhood [Talk delivered during the 10th World Congress of the TS held in Rome in July 2010] | S Sundaram | y2016 | v114 | i7 | July | p236 |
News and Notes: Assam; Delhi; Karnataka; Kerala; Rayalseema; Utkal; Uttarakhand; Uttar Pradesh; The Theosophical Order of Service; Seminar at Chapra, Bihar on 24-25 September 2016 | non | y2016 | v114 | i7 | July | p243 |
Spiritual Evolution And The Future Of The Theosophical Society [from 'The Theosophist' July 2016] | Tim Boyd | y2016 | v114 | i8 | August | p259 |
Study Camps At Bhowali: Some Reflections | Shikhar Agnihotri | y2016 | v114 | i8 | August | p267 |
Being Hurt And Compassion: A Transformation [Talk delivered in a meeting organized by Kashi Tattva Sabha on 8 April 2016] | Atul Bhatnagar | y2016 | v114 | i8 | August | p273 |
News and Notes: Bombay; Bihar; Kerala; Rayalaseema; Utkal; Uttar Pradesh; Report on the 93rd South India Theosophical Conference; Seminar at Chapra, Bihar on 24-25 September 2016; The 14th Triennial Conference of the Indo-Pacific Federation 2016 | anon | y2016 | v114 | i8 | August | p276 |
Multidimensionality and No Empty Space [from 'The Theosophist' August 2016] | Tim Boyd | y2016 | v114 | i9 | September | p295 |
Universal Brotherhood Leads to Universal Morality [Paper presented in the National Seminar on 'Theosophy and Modern World' held at Delhi under auspices of the Indian Section, TS 30-31 July 2016] | Om Prakash Aneja | y2016 | v114 | i9 | September | p301 |
News and Notes: Karnataka; Rayalaseema; Uttar Pradesh; National Lecturer; National Seminar at Delhi; Theosophical Order of Service; Visit Project Site; National Seminar at Amaravati, Maharashtra; Food services at the 141st International Convention at Adyar, Chennai (31st December 2016 to 05 January 2017) | anon | y2016 | v114 | i9 | September | p310 |
A Step Forward | S Sundaram | y2016 | v114 | i10-11 | October-November | p327 |
On Unity [from 'The Theosophist' September 2016] | Tim Boyd | y2016 | v114 | i10-11 | October-November | p329 |
Mystic heights of 'The Voice Of The Silence' [from 'Talks on the Path of Occultism' Volume I (TPH Publication 2nd edition 1930)] | G Dakshinamoorthy | y2016 | v114 | i10-11 | October-November | p333 |
Colonel Olcott- A Great Educationist | Pradeep H Gohil | y2016 | v114 | i10-11 | October-November | p341 |
News and Notes: Bihar; Bombay; Marathi; Telugu; Uttar Pradesh; Indian Section Headquarters; TOS: South Zone Conference 2016; Study Camp at Lucknow | anon | y2016 | v114 | i10-11 | October-November | p347 |
Proposed Amendment of the Constitution Of The Indian Section, The Theosophical Society, Varanasi | anon | y2016 | v114 | i10-11 | October-November | p363 |
The First Object Of The Theosophical Society [from 'The Theosophist' October 2016] | Tim Boyd | y2016 | v114 | i12 | December | p385 |
Theosophical Movement in India 1879-1907 | PS Panchakshari | y2016 | v114 | i12 | December | p390 |
Toward A New World: A Theosophical Perspective | Sahadeb Patro | y2016 | v114 | i12 | December | p394 |
News and Notes: Bengal; Bombay; Delhi; Karnataka; Rayalaseema; Uttar Pradesh; North India Study Camp; General Secretary's Visits; Study Camp at Lucknow; Study Camp at Gwalior; Discount of 20% on purchase of TPH books | anon | y2016 | v114 | i12 | December | p404 |
List of Members of the Indian Section Council Elected by Federations for the Year 2017, 2018 and 2019 | anon | y2016 | v114 | i12 | December | p412 |
Presidential Address To the 141st Annual Convention of the Theosophical Society Adyar 31 December 2016 [Only some portions of the Presidential Address published here. For more details see 'The Theosophist' January 2017] | Tim Boyd | y2017 | v115 | i2 | February | p65 |
News and Notes: Bombay; Kerala; Rayalaseema; Uttar Pradesh; Indian Section Headquarters; Theosophical Order of Service; Study Camp at Gwalior | anon | y2017 | v115 | i2 | February | p71 |
List Of Members Of The Indian Section Council For The Year 2017, 2018, And 2019 | anon | y2017 | v115 | i2 | February | p84 |
Election Of The General Secretary And Executive Committee | anon | y2017 | v115 | i2 | February | p92 |
Nurturing The Seed [Inaugural address to the Indian Section Convention 1 January 2017] [from 'The Theosophist' February 2017] | Tim Boyd | y2017 | v115 | i3 | March | p105 |
Living From The Still Centre [Talk delivered at the International Convention Adyar 1 January 2017] [from 'The Theosophist' January 2017] | Linda Oliveira | y2017 | v115 | i3 | March | p108 |
Self-Culture Is An Essential Prerequisite For Theosophy [Talk delivered in the Indian Section Convention-II on 3 January 2017] | Partha Sarathi Prasad Sarangi | y2017 | v115 | i3 | March | p116 |
News and Notes: Bengal; Bombay; Utkal; Uttar Pradesh; Indian Section Convention-I; Indian Section Headquarters; Change in Venue of the Study Camp | anon | y2017 | v115 | i3 | March | p120 |
A Step Forward | Pradeep H Gohil | y2017 | v115 | i4 | April | p137 |
The Effect Of The Future [Public talk delivered at the International Convention Adyar 4 January 2017] [from 'The Theosophist' March 2017] | Tim Boyd | y2017 | v115 | i4 | April | p138 |
Self-Preparation : An Essential Prerequisite Of Theosophical Work [Talk delivered in the Indian Section Convention-II on 3 January 2017] | Om Aneja | y2017 | v115 | i4 | April | p145 |
News and Notes: Bombay; Gujarat; Kerala; Rayalaseema; Uttar Pradesh; Uttar Pradesh; National Lecturer; TOS; Indian Section Headquarters | anon | y2017 | v115 | i4 | April | p152 |
Important Changes [The Indian Section Council in its meeting held on 29.12.2016 at Adyar, Chennai, adopted following resolution, which was approved by the International President] | anon | y2017 | v115 | i4 | April | p159 |
Prayer [poem written by Annie Besant in 1875 and published in 'The Theosophist' October 1932] | Annie Besant | y2017 | v115 | i4 | April | p166 |
List Of National Lecturers - 2017 Indian Section The Theosophical Society | anon | y2017 | v115 | i4 | April | p167 |
A Step Forward | Pradeep H Gohil | y2017 | v115 | i5 | May | p177 |
The Importance Of The Centre [from 'The Theosophist' April 2017] | Tim Boyd | y2017 | v115 | i5 | May | p179 |
White Lotus Day [Reprint: from 'The Theosophical Review' May 1978. Original article: 'The Theosophist' June 1959] | N Sri Ram | y2017 | v115 | i5 | May | p186 |
Occult Functions And Correspondence Of Some Human Organs And Senses | US Pandey | y2017 | v115 | i5 | May | p192 |
News and Notes: Bombay; Uttar Pradesh; National Lecturer; An Introduction to Theosophy | anon | y2017 | v115 | i5 | May | p201 |
A Step Forward | Pradeep H Gohil | y2017 | v115 | i6 | June | p213 |
Thinking About Adyar | Tim Boyd | y2017 | v115 | i6 | June | p215 |
Self-Preparation | Nandita Kuldip | y2017 | v115 | i6 | June | p218 |
The Subtlety Of Illusion And Reality | Sahadeb Patro | y2017 | v115 | i6 | June | p223 |
News and Notes: Bengal; Bihar; Bombay; Kerala; Study Camp on The Secret Doctrine; Uttar Pradesh; Study Camp at Bhowali Based on "Narad Bhakti Sutras" and the Book "Self Realization Through Love" by Dr I K Taimini; Study Camp | anon | y2017 | v115 | i6 | June | p230 |
A Step Forward | Pradeep H Gohil | y2017 | v115 | i7 | July | p249 |
Theosophy: A Spiritual Legacy For Humanity [from 'The Theosophist' June 2017] | Tim Boyd | y2017 | v115 | i7 | July | p251 |
What the Modern Theosophical Society is Not [extract from 'The Key to Theosophy' pp16-21] | H P Blavatsky | y2017 | v115 | i7 | July | p260 |
News and Notes: Utkal; Uttar Pradesh; TOS Activities; National Lecturer; Study Camp at Bhowali on "Wisdom of Upanishads; From a Theosophical Perspective"; Indian Section Headquarters; Gone to Peace [Mrs Suman Phansalkar] | anon | y2017 | v115 | i7 | July | p265 |