The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Brisbane Lodge

Oriental Department Papers - American Section

True Friendship (from Hiri Sutta)anony1894-i19Septemberp65
First Principles (2) (from Chandogya Upanishad)anony1894-i19Septemberp66
That Thou Artanony1894-i19Septemberp70
The Mahomedan Tradition of Issa or Jesus (1)Mirkhoudy1894-i19Septemberp75
The SelfShankaray1894-i20Novemberp81
By Whom? (from Kena Upanishad)anony1894-i20Novemberp82
A Question, a Riddle, & a Fableanony1894-i20Novemberp85
The Mahomedan Tradition of Issa or Jesus (2)Mirkhoudy1894-i20Novemberp88
By the Master (from Isha Upanishad)anony1895-i21Januaryp98
The Great Enlighteninganony1895-i21Januaryp100
Shankara's Catechism (1)anony1895-i21Januaryp108
The Hymn of the Spirit (Purusha Sukta)anony1895-i22Marchp113
The Two Wisdoms (from Mundaka Upanishad)anony1895-i22Marchp114
Higher & Lower Knowledgeanony1895-i22Marchp116
The Awakening to RealityShankaray1895-i22Marchp121
Shankara's Catechism (2)anony1895-i22Marchp124
Lovers of the East: Anquetil Duperronanony1895-i22Marchp126
The Mother of the Vedas (Rig Veda)anony1895-i23Mayp129
The Two Wisdoms (from Mudaka Upanishad)anony1895-i23Mayp130
The Hidden Shininganony1895-i23Mayp133
The Earliest Races (1) (Vayu Purana)anony1895-i23Mayp136
Lovers of the EastWilliam Jonesy1895-i23Mayp141
The Races of Ancient India (Mahabharata)anony1895-i24Junep145
The Lotus of the Teaching (1) (Taittiriya Upanishad)anony1895-i24Junep146
First Lessons in the Mysteries (Taittiriya Upanishad)anony1895-i24Junep149
The Early Races (2)anony1895-i24Junep155
Lovers ofthe East: Henry Thomas Colebrookeanony1895-i24Junep158
Self-Soul-Mind (Katha Upanishad)anony1895-i25Sep-Octp161
The Lotus of the Teaching (2) (Taittiriya Upanishad)anony1895-i25Sep-Octp162
The Five Veils of the Selfanony1895-i25Sep-Octp167
The Noble Eightfold Pathanony1895-i25Sep-Octp171
The Song of the Self (vf)Shankaracharyay1895-i25Sep-Octp176
The Dream of Life (Vakyasudha)anony1895-i26Nov-Decp177
The Lotus of the Teaching (3) (Taittiriya Upanishad)anony1895-i26Nov-Decp178
The Food of the World (Taittiriya Upanishad)anony1895-i26Nov-Decp182
Self, Potencies, VesturesShankaray1895-i26Nov-Decp185
A New Departureanony1896-i1Jan-Febp1
Father, Mother & Son (Aitareya Upanishad)anony1896-i1Jan-Febp2
The Primordial Man (Aitareya Upanishad)anony1896-i1Jan-Febp6
The Witness (1)Shankaray1896-i1Jan-Febp11
An AnswerCJy1896-i1Jan-Febp15
The Three Worlds (Katha Upanishad)anony1896-i2Mar-Aprp17
The Witness (2)Shankaray1896-i2Mar-Aprp18
The Mysteries of Sound (1) (Chhandogya Upanishad)anony1896-i2Mar-Aprp20
The Up-Singing (Chhandogya Upanishad)anony1896-i2Mar-Aprp26
The Warrioranony1896-i3May-Junp33
The Mysteries of Sound (2) (Chhandogya Upanishad)anony1896-i3May-Junp34
Three, Five, Sevenanony1896-i3May-Junp44
Ancient Wisdom (from Tao Teh King)(Lao Tzu)y1896-i3May-Junp48
The Prince & the Woodmananony1896-i4Jul-Augp49
Showing 51 to 100 of 132 entries