The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Brisbane Lodge

The Occult Review

Notes of the Month - Magic of the Mantraedy1926v43-March-
Some Evidential ClairvoyanceJ Arthur Hilly1926v43-March-
Sorcery in France and AfricaHelen Mary Boulnoisy1926v43-March-
Reincarnation in English PoetryEva Martiny1926v43-March-
The Influence of Personality on MediumshipEB Gibbesy1926v43-March-
Periodical Literatureanony1926v43-March-
The Super-MemoryChelay1926v43-March-
Notes of the Month - The Ladder of Contemplationedy1926v43-Aprilp217
Some Surmises on Materialization Phenomena (1)Kenneth Mackenzie of Scatwelly1926v43-Aprilp227
The WatcherBeatrice Pettyy1926v43-Aprilp234
The Use and Power of RitualDion Fortuney1926v43-Aprilp235
Sorcery in France and Africa (2)Helen Mary Boulnoisy1926v43-Aprilp238
Invocation of FireMeredith Starry1926v43-Aprilp247
The Invisible GuardClifford W Greatorexy1926v43-Aprilp248
Knowledge and the SubliminalE De L'Ormey1926v43-Aprilp254
Mandrakes and MummiesLewis Spencey1926v43-Aprilp258
Periodical Literatureanony1926v43-Aprilp267
Notes of the MonthThe Editory1926v43-Mayp289
The Greek Idea of the SoulWilliam Loftus Harey1926v43-Mayp299
The Utility of DreamsAL Summersy1926v43-Mayp310
Pursuit (vf)Teresa Hooleyy1926v43-Mayp318
The ShadowEA Chaylory1926v43-Mayp319
Madame Blavatsky & The Secret Doctrine - recent confirmation in AnthropologyWilliam Kingslandy1926v43-Mayp324
The Egyptian MummyTheodore Bestermany1926v43-Mayp329
Ltte - Self-SurrenderA.y1926v43-Mayp332
Ltte - CremationEB Gibbesy1926v43-Mayp333
Ltte - Modern SeershipElizabeth ME Skinnery1926v43-Mayp334
Ltte - ReincarnationViolet KS Williamsony1926v43-Mayp335
Periodical Literatureanony1926v43-Mayp336
review - Edie, Messages from the Spirit Land by W Harold SpeerEdith K Harpery1926v43-Mayp342
review - The Land of Mist by Arthur Conan DoyleEdith K Harpery1926v43-Mayp342
review - The Way of Melchisedec by LB WhitneyJohn Earley1926v43-Mayp344
review - Ti-Me-Kun-Dan - Prince of Buddhist Benevolence tr by Millicent H MorrisonEdith K Harpery1926v43-Mayp344
review - The Gospel of Philip the Evangelist by PB BeddowJohn Northy1926v43-Mayp344
review - The Phoenician Origin of Britons, Scots, & Anglo-Saxons by LA WaddellColin Stilly1926v43-Mayp346
review - The Flower of Fire - anonEva Martiny1926v43-Mayp348
review - The Halt in the Garden by Robert HillyerEva Martiny1926v43-Mayp348
review - The Story of Creation by Emanuel SwedenborgH Stanley Redgrovey1926v43-Mayp348
review - Songs of Innocence & Experience by William BlakeH Stanley Redgrovey1926v43-Mayp350
review - The Last Enigma by Henry FrankColin Stilly1926v43-Mayp350
review - Ephèse et Claros by Ch PicardTheodore Bestermany1926v43-Mayp352
review - The Wolf & other Stories by MA ElwynGMHy1926v43-Mayp352
review - Witchcraft & the Black Art by JW WickwarTheodore Bestermany1926v43-Mayp354
review - Egyptian Scriptures Interpreted by GA GaskellRegina Miriam Blochy1926v43-Mayp354
review - Ducdame by John Cowper PowysTheodore Bestermany1926v43-Mayp354
review - The Curse of Obo by T WyndhamRegina Miriam Blochy1926v43-Mayp354
Showing 4951 to 5000 of 6048 entries