Correspondence | anon | y1927 | v45 | - | June | p403 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1927 | v45 | - | June | p409 |
New and Forthcoming Publications | anon | y1927 | v45 | - | June | p413 |
Reviews | anon | y1927 | v45 | - | June | p420 |
Notes of the Month - Science and Human Values | ed | y1927 | v46 | - | July | p1 |
Notes of the Month - Mesmerism and Magic | ed | y1927 | v46 | - | July | p1 |
The Ethics of Gnosticism | Jean Delaire | y1927 | v46 | - | July | p11 |
The Hidden Springs of Aesthetic Judgment | ALB Hardcastle | y1927 | v46 | - | July | p17 |
Concerning Dream Poetry | Ethel Archer | y1927 | v46 | - | July | p20 |
Voodooism | Theodore Besterman | y1927 | v46 | - | July | p26 |
Hermes Trismegistus (1) | W Loftus Hare | y1927 | v46 | - | July | p28 |
Chastening Night | Brenda Murray Draper | y1927 | v46 | - | July | p34 |
Colour Consciousness | Harriet L Childe Pemberton | y1927 | v46 | - | July | p35 |
What of the Darkness? | Eva Martin | y1927 | v46 | - | July | p41 |
Correspondence | anon | y1927 | v46 | - | July | p43 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1927 | v46 | - | July | p51 |
Reviews | anon | y1927 | v46 | - | July | p59 |
Notes of the Month - The Aquarian Age | ed | y1927 | v46 | - | August | - |
Dreams and Somnambulism | Mary E Monteith | y1927 | v46 | - | August | - |
The Lonely Soul | Philip Harrison | y1927 | v46 | - | August | - |
Primitive Instincts and Modern Ethics | Edward Lawrence | y1927 | v46 | - | August | - |
Hermes Trismegistus (2) | William Loftus Hare | y1927 | v46 | - | August | - |
The Occult Significance of Giving | FA Lamprell | y1927 | v46 | - | August | - |
Correspondence | anon | y1927 | v46 | - | August | - |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1927 | v46 | - | August | - |
Reviews | anon | y1927 | v46 | - | August | - |
Notes of the Month - Mysticism and New Thought | ed | y1927 | v46 | - | September | p145 |
The Limitations of the Laws of Nature | H Stanley Redgrove | y1927 | v46 | - | September | p155 |
The Modern Spiritual Manifestations (1) | DD Home | y1927 | v46 | - | September | p161 |
Clairvoyance and Materialization | Philip S Wellby | y1927 | v46 | - | September | p171 |
Astrology To-Day | Eva Martin | y1927 | v46 | - | September | p175 |
The Leafless Tree | Brenda Murray Draper | y1927 | v46 | - | September | p186 |
Labyrinths and their Meaning | Lewis Spence | y1927 | v46 | - | September | p187 |
Correspondence | anon | y1927 | v46 | - | September | p191 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1927 | v46 | - | September | p195 |
Reviews | anon | y1927 | v46 | - | September | p200 |
Notes of the Month - Christ through Eastern Eyes | ed | y1927 | v46 | - | October | - |
Unseen Horrors | Agnes Blake | y1927 | v46 | - | October | - |
Quest | VH Friedlaender | y1927 | v46 | - | October | - |
The Modern Spiritual Manifestations (2) | DD Home | y1927 | v46 | - | October | - |
The Astrology of Chaucer | Margaret Manson | y1927 | v46 | - | October | - |
Christian Science: Its Success and Limitations | EJ Mills | y1927 | v46 | - | October | - |
Buddha, Mythical of Historical | Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah | y1927 | v46 | - | October | - |
Have I Lived Before | Maud Nisbet | y1927 | v46 | - | October | - |
Miracles Unawares | S Stanmore | y1927 | v46 | - | October | - |
Correspondence | anon | y1927 | v46 | - | October | - |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1927 | v46 | - | October | - |
Reviews | anon | y1927 | v46 | - | October | - |
Some Occult Teachings of Apollonius of Tyana | Allan Neville Taylor | y1927 | v46 | - | November | - |
Notes of the Month - Man is a Spirit | ed | y1927 | v46 | - | November | - |