review - The Wisdom of the Aryas by Allen Bennett | GMH | y1923 | v38 | - | November | - |
Ltte - (Vaivesvata Manu) | Truth Seeker | y1923 | v38 | - | November | - |
Ltte - (an oblique reply to Mr Leadbeater) | William Loftus Hare | y1923 | v38 | - | November | - |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1923 | v38 | - | November | - |
New & Forthcoming Publications | various | y1923 | v38 | - | November | - |
review - Zoraster, the Great Teacher by Bernard Springett | GMH | y1923 | v38 | - | November | - |
review - The World as Power by John Woodroffe | Meredith Starr | y1923 | v38 | - | November | - |
review - A Dictionary of the Sacred Language of all Scriptures & Myths by GA Gaskell | Theodore Besterman | y1923 | v38 | - | November | - |
review - Mysticism of East & West by William Loftus Hare | Colin Still | y1923 | v38 | - | November | - |
Notes of the Month - The Problem of Automatic Writing | The Editor | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p321 |
The Broken Statue (vf) | JSM Ward | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p332 |
A New Message from Oscar Wilde | Mr V. - Helen MacGregor | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p333 |
Have Animals Souls? | Horace Leaf | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p344 |
Indian Symbolism | VB Metta | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p348 |
The Cyclamen (vf) | Phyllis M James | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p351 |
Blake & Swedenborg - A Study in Comparative Mysticism | H Stanley Redgrove | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p352 |
Links with the Planetary Control | PH Fawcett | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p361 |
Four Roads (vf) | Eva Martin | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p366 |
Ltte - An Occult Language | GA Gaskell | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p367 |
Ltte - Fatalistic Coincidences | RM Bloch | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p367 |
Ltte - Madame Blavatsky's Horoscope | A Late-Come Scribe | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p367 |
Ltte - A Correction | Sepharial | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p367 |
Ltte - Psychic Tricks & the Masters of Wisdom | Basil Crump | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p367 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p371 |
review - What Shall we Become After Dark? Abbé Moreux | Edith K Harper | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p376 |
review - Christianity & Auto-Suggestion by C Henry Brooks | Edith K Harper | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p376 |
review - The Cabbalists & Other Essays by SA Hirsch | Arthur Edward Waite | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p376 |
review - The Wisdom of the West by MJ Keane | Edith K Harper | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p376 |
review - Notes from the Unstruck Music by Inayat Khan | H Stanley Redgrove | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p376 |
review - The Dark Dominion by Guy Thorme | WH Chesson | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p376 |
review - The Ghosts of Parliament by an MP | WH Chesson | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p376 |
review - Uncanny Stories by May Sinclair | WH Chesson | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p376 |
review - What is Psychology? by Charles W Hayward | H Stanley Redgrove | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p376 |
review - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein | H Stanley Redgrove | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p376 |
review - Vedic Hymns tr from the Rig Veda by Edward J Thomas | Regina Miriam Bloch | y1923 | v38 | - | December | p376 |
Notes of the Month - The Buddha & his Doctrine | The Editor | y1924 | v39 | - | January | p1 |
The Whispering Gallery at St Paul's (vf) | Jasper Smith | y1924 | v39 | - | January | p12 |
Dream-Travelling - Some Additional Notes | Oliver Fox | y1924 | v39 | - | January | p14 |
Personal Experiences with a Yogi | Josephine Ransom | y1924 | v39 | - | January | p21 |
The Occult Lore of Mountains | Bernard Fielding | y1924 | v39 | - | January | p24 |
Aspects of Magic | WH Chesson | y1924 | v39 | - | January | p31 |
Death (vf) | Jessie EP Foreland | y1924 | v39 | - | January | p35 |
The Mysticism of Mascots | Regina Miriam Bloch | y1924 | v39 | - | January | p36 |
Calvary (vf) | Anon | y1924 | v39 | - | January | p39 |
Glimpses through the Veil | Katharine Lenox | y1924 | v39 | - | January | p40 |
A Welsh Cromlech (vf) | George Austin | y1924 | v39 | - | January | p42 |
Swimming the Witch | WN Neill | y1924 | v39 | - | January | p43 |
An Occult Islamic Order | Dudley Wright | y1924 | v39 | - | January | p47 |
Ltte - The Horoscope of Madame Blavatsky | Alava | y1924 | v39 | - | January | p59 |
Ltte - The Part of the Nervous System in Automatic Writing | Regina Miriam Bloch | y1924 | v39 | - | January | p59 |