review - The Word & the Work by GA Studdert Kennedy | Edith K Harper | y1925 | v42 | - | July | p56 |
review - Genesis Interpreted by GA Gaskell | EMM | y1925 | v42 | - | July | p56 |
review - Haunted Houses: Tales of the Supernatural by Charles G Harper | Edith K Harper | y1925 | v42 | - | July | p56 |
review - The Showings of Lady Julian of Norwich by Lady Julian & Dundas Harford | Edith K Harper | y1925 | v42 | - | July | p56 |
review - The Folklore of Bombay by RE Enthoven | Regina Miriam Bloch | y1925 | v42 | - | July | p56 |
review - Gilgamesh: A Dream of the Eternal Quest by Zabelle C Boyajian | Theodore Besterman | y1925 | v42 | - | July | p56 |
review - Science & Religion by J Arthur Thomson | Christie T Young | y1925 | v42 | - | July | p56 |
obituary - William Barrett (1844-1925) | The Editor | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p69 |
obituary - Camille Flammarion (1842 - ...?) | the Editor | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p69 |
Notes of the Month - The Ether of Space | The Editor | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p69 |
illustration - the late Sir WF Barrett | anon | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p69 |
Even unto the End (for Thomas Hardy) (vf) | JM Stuart-Young | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p80 |
obituary - In Memoriam - Sir William Fletcher Barrett | Theodore Besterman | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p81 |
Explorers' Ghost Stories | Algernon Blackwood | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p84 |
Table-turning Up-to-date | Eva Martin | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p97 |
The Living Work of a Forgotten Master | Rose O'Neill | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p107 |
At the Hot Wells of Konniar | PH Fawcett | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p114 |
Ltte - Non-Resistance & the Sermon on the Mount | William Loftus Hare | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p120 |
Ltte - (occultism & medicine) | The British Weleda Co Ltd | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p120 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p122 |
review - Will Men be like Gods? by Owen Francis Dudley | WH Chesson | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p126 |
review - Power & Purpose by H Ernest Hunt | HJS | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p126 |
review - Impressions from the Unseen by LM Bazett | RMB | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p126 |
review - The Mysticism of St Francis of Assisi by DHS Nicholson | Michael Hardy | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p126 |
review - Masquerades: Studies in the Morbid by Shane Leslie | Meredith Starr | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p126 |
review - The Faculty of Communion by Mrs Alfred Lyttleton | Edith K Harper | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p126 |
review - The Home of an Eastern Clan by Mrs Leslie Milne | WH Chesson | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p126 |
review - The Psychology of Religion by WB Selbie | GH Bonner | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p126 |
review - The Quest of Life by JC Wright | Regina Miriam Bloch | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p126 |
review - The Borderland: some of the problems of Insanity by Theo. Bulkeley Hyslop | Theodore Besterman | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p126 |
review - The Belief in Immortality & the Worship of the Dead by JG Frazer | Theodore Besterman | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p126 |
review - Be Peacemakers by L Lind-af-Hageby | EMM | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p126 |
review - All Sorts: A Literary Revue by Rathmell Wilson | Colin Still | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p126 |
review - The Psychology & Tradition of Colour by Hylda Rhodes | H Stanley Redgrove | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p126 |
review - Healing for All by Octavia | EMM | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p126 |
review - The Message (received through Automatic Writing) by Alfred Wainwright | Edith K Harper | y1925 | v42 | - | August | p126 |
Notes of the Month - Has Northcliffe Returned? | The Editor | y1925 | v42 | - | September | p137 |
Cremation or Burial? | Morley Steynor | y1925 | v42 | - | September | p148 |
Alternatives to the Spirit Hypothesis | G Baseden Butt | y1925 | v42 | - | September | p153 |
Memories of Other Lives - Two Alternative Theories | Grahame Houblon | y1925 | v42 | - | September | p163 |
The Ascension in Story & Verse | Pamela Grey of Fallodon | y1925 | v42 | - | September | p169 |
The Duality of Mind | H Ernest Hunt | y1925 | v42 | - | September | p173 |
The Occult Lore of the Tree | RB Ince | y1925 | v42 | - | September | p178 |
Some Unpublished Ghost Stories | Leopold AD Montague | y1925 | v42 | - | September | p182 |
Ltte - Inspiration | O Murray | y1925 | v42 | - | September | p185 |
Ltte - Genesis Interpreted | GS Gaskell | y1925 | v42 | - | September | p185 |
Ltte - The Path (1) | H Burford Pratt | y1925 | v42 | - | September | p185 |
Ltte - The Path (2) | Mabel Collins | y1925 | v42 | - | September | p185 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1925 | v42 | - | September | p188 |
review - Bear Witness by A King's Counsel | Edith K Harper | y1925 | v42 | - | September | p193 |