TRC - Education Group Report 1967 | Secretary | y1968 | v12 | - | Jan-Feb | p22 |
Confusing Journal Titles | Dr E Lester Smith | y1968 | v12 | - | Jan-Feb | p23 |
Ltte - An Appeal from Miss EW Preston re "Earth & its Cycles" | VW Slater | y1968 | v12 | - | Jan-Feb | p24 |
Note on Psychedelic Drugs (rprnt Theosophy-Science Dialogue) (re an experimental program in the TS) | anon | y1968 | v12 | - | Jan-Feb | p25 |
Venusian Atmosphere looks Primaeval (rprnt Science Journal) | anon | y1968 | v12 | - | Jan-Feb | p27 |
Theosophical Research Centre - Conference programme | anon | y1968 | v12 | - | Jan-Feb | p29 |
obituary - Miss Dorothy Ashton - Feb 1968 | Dr H Tudor Edmunds | y1968 | v12 | - | Mar-Apr | p33 |
The Religious Evolution of Man (II) | Marcia King | y1968 | v12 | - | Mar-Apr | p34 |
A System of Bubbles - The Occult Chemistry (abrdgd rprnt The Canadian Theosophist) | Roberto Fantechi | y1968 | v12 | - | Mar-Apr | p42 |
Letter on Occult Chemistry (re Dr Fantechi's article - discrepancies were shown to CWL) | VW Slater | y1968 | v12 | - | Mar-Apr | p49 |
Letter on Occult Chemistry (re Dr Fantechi's article - perhaps CWL reported archetypal designs) | Dr E Lester Smith | y1968 | v12 | - | Mar-Apr | p51 |
Letter on Occult Chemistry (re Dr Fantechi's article - perhaps CWL reported psychic facts) | Dr Corona Trew | y1968 | v12 | - | Mar-Apr | p53 |
Theosophy at Work in the World: Parapsychology | AJ Ellison | y1968 | v12 | - | Mar-Apr | p55 |
review - The Use of Lateral Thinking by Edward de Bono | E Lester Smith | y1968 | v12 | - | Mar-Apr | p58 |
Editorial - The Malthusian dilemma | anon | y1968 | v12 | - | May-Jun | p63 |
Malthus was Right - So Who Must Die? | E Lester Smith | y1968 | v12 | - | May-Jun | p64 |
The Harmony of Biological Evolution | KB Wakelam | y1968 | v12 | - | May-Jun | p71 |
review - Acupuncture & the Kyungrak System | E Lester Smith | y1968 | v12 | - | May-Jun | p73 |
review - Acupuncture & the Kyungrak System | RWG | y1968 | v12 | - | May-Jun | p75 |
review - Acupuncture & the Kyungrak System | a Histologist | y1968 | v12 | - | May-Jun | p77 |
essay review - "Science, Man & Morals" by WH Thorpe | E Lester Smith | y1968 | v12 | - | May-Jun | p78 |
Erratum - Kern Foundation of America | anon | y1968 | v12 | - | May-Jun | p81 |
Science Jottings | H Tudor Edmunds | y1968 | v12 | - | May-Jun | p81 |
review - The Import of Hylic Pluralism by Prof Dr JJ Poortman | anon | y1968 | v12 | - | May-Jun | p87 |
A Circuit Link-up for Objective & Subjective Assessments in the Human Mind-Brain & Body Systems | A. Harry Walters | y1968 | v12 | - | Jul-Aug | p91 |
Occult Chemistry - A Modern Evaluation (I) | MG Hocking | y1968 | v12 | - | Jul-Aug | p99 |
Errors of Occult Chemistry Explained by a Simple Theory | A. Herbert Peron | y1968 | v12 | - | Jul-Aug | p104 |
note re errors of Occult Chemistry explained | Dr E Lester Smith | y1968 | v12 | - | Jul-Aug | p105 |
The Lords of the Flame | KB Wakelam | y1968 | v12 | - | Jul-Aug | p106 |
Scientists Create Test-tube Life | E Lester Smith | y1968 | v12 | - | Jul-Aug | p112 |
obituary - Mr AB Crow (1878-1968) | anon | y1968 | v12 | - | Jul-Aug | p113 |
review - Trapped Vitamin B12 by E Lester Smith | H Tudor Edmunds | y1968 | v12 | - | Jul-Aug | p114 |
Editorial - publication of transactions | anon | y1968 | v12 | - | Sep-Oct | p117 |
Communication Through Art (extracts) | Mrs Joyce Beavis | y1968 | v12 | - | Sep-Oct | p118 |
The Tyranny of the Senses (I) - The Reality of the Invisible | Corona Trew | y1968 | v12 | - | Sep-Oct | p121 |
The Tyranny of the Senses (II) - Subjective & Objective Experience | E Lester Smith | y1968 | v12 | - | Sep-Oct | p124 |
Intelligence at Large | E Lester Smith | y1968 | v12 | - | Sep-Oct | p125 |
Science Jotting - oldest amino acids? | H Tudor Edmunds | y1968 | v12 | - | Sep-Oct | p128 |
The Thermographic Aura of the Human Body | KB Wakelam | y1968 | v12 | - | Sep-Oct | p129 |
Science Jotting - Nature out of Balance | H Tudor Edmunds | y1968 | v12 | - | Sep-Oct | p130 |
review - Thoughts for Thinkers by Dolatrai M Desai | H Tudor Edmunds | y1968 | v12 | - | Sep-Oct | p131 |
review - The Future of Man by HW Heason | FG Perry | y1968 | v12 | - | Sep-Oct | p131 |
review - Man Adapting by Rene Dubos (on the Population Avalanche) | E Lester Smith | y1968 | v12 | - | Sep-Oct | p132 |
Science Jotting - Cosmic Communication | H Tudor Edmunds | y1968 | v12 | - | Sep-Oct | p134 |
Ltte - re "The Lords of the Flame" by KB Wakelam | A. Harry Walters | y1968 | v12 | - | Sep-Oct | p135 |
Ltte - more on Occult Chemistry | A. H Peron | y1968 | v12 | - | Sep-Oct | p136 |
Editorial - Population explosion & world hunger | anon | y1968 | v12 | - | Nov-Dec | p140 |
obituary - Miss Elizabeth W Preston | ELS | y1968 | v12 | - | Nov-Dec | p141 |
obituary - Mrs Phoebe Bendit | anon | y1968 | v12 | - | Nov-Dec | p143 |
Occult Chemistry - A Modern Evaluation (II) | MG Hocking | y1968 | v12 | - | Nov-Dec | p143 |