The Theosophist | An Ancient Weapon | K. | y1887 | v9 | - | November | p75 |
The Theosophist | The Allegory of the Zoroastrian Cosmogony {a promised sequel is not evident} | AJD | y1887 | v9 | - | November | p78 |
The Theosophist | Rosicrucian Letters (VI) Personal Experiences | FH | y1887 | v9 | - | November | p81 |
The Theosophist | A Brief Sketch of Madhavacharya | G Srivamamurthi | y1887 | v9 | - | November | p86 |
The Theosophist | Self Levitation (II) | KR Venkata Kistnarow | y1887 | v9 | - | November | p96 |
The Theosophist | Self Levitation (I) | L Venkatakristnayya | y1887 | v9 | - | November | p96 |
The Theosophist | Self Levitation (IV) | V Vasudeva Sastri | y1887 | v9 | - | November | p97 |
The Theosophist | Self Levitation (III) | Hakim Goolam Khader Sahib | y1887 | v9 | - | November | p97 |
The Theosophist | Nature's Finer Forces (1) their influence on Human Health & Destiny | Rama Prasad | y1887 | v9 | - | November | p98 |
The Theosophist | Tetragrammaton | HP Blavatsky | y1887 | v9 | - | November | p104 |
The Theosophist | Kaivalyanavanita (8) (111-120) | TM Sundaram Pillai | y1887 | v9 | - | November | p116 |
The Theosophist | The Kabbala & the Microcosm (3) | Montague R Lazarus | y1887 | v9 | - | November | p119 |
The Theosophist | The Crest Jewel of Wisdom (452-512) (tr Mohini M Chatterji) | Sankaracharya | y1887 | v9 | - | November | p124 |
The Theosophist | Hindu Astrology (a review of T Medhava Row's Notes on Hindu Astrology) | anon | y1887 | v9 | - | November | p129 |
The Theosophist | The Watseka Wonder (Lurancy Vennum), a review | anon | y1887 | v9 | - | November | p130 |
The Theosophist | Editorial Notice (Oct 1887, HSO takes legal responsibility of the editorship of the Theosophist) | HS Olcott | y1887 | v9 | - | November | p132 |
The Theosophist | Bellary Sanmarga Samaj | TA Swaminatha Aiyar | y1887 | v9 | - | Dec+ | p7 |
The Theosophist | obituary - Adelbert de Bourbon | anon | y1887 | v9 | - | Dec+ | p9 |
The Theosophist | Travestied Teachings (III) The Serpent in Eden | Henry Pratt | y1887 | v9 | - | December | p133 |
The Theosophist | Theosophy in France | HS Olcott | y1887 | v9 | - | December | p138 |
The Theosophist | The Relations of the Lower & the Higher Self | AP Sinnett | y1887 | v9 | - | December | p144 |
The Theosophist | Rosicrucian Letters (VII) "The Brothers" (Letter of 1801) | FH | y1887 | v9 | - | December | p153 |
The Theosophist | The Crest Jewel of Wisdom (513-583) (tr Mohini M Chatterji) | Sankaracharya | y1887 | v9 | - | December | p158 |
The Theosophist | The Bhrigu Sanhita (1) {no evident sequel} | Kedar Nath Chatterjee | y1887 | v9 | - | December | p163 |
The Theosophist | The Kabbala & the Microcosm (4) | Montague R Lazarus | y1887 | v9 | - | December | p167 |
The Theosophist | The Speech of the Gods | C Johnston & Geo Russell | y1887 | v9 | - | December | p171 |
The Theosophist | Ghost-Lore from Guzerat (1) | Maurice Fredal | y1887 | v9 | - | December | p176 |
The Theosophist | review - Posthumous Humanity by Adolphe D'Assier | anon | y1887 | v9 | - | December | p181 |
The Theosophist | review - Ancient Iranian & Zoroastrian Morals by DJ Medhora | anon | y1887 | v9 | - | December | p184 |
The Theosophist | review - Sacred Mysteries among the Mayas & the Quiches by Augustus Le Plongeon (1826-1908) | anon | y1887 | v9 | - | December | p185 |
The Theosophist | review - Phantasms of the Living by Edmund Gurney | anon | y1887 | v9 | - | December | p187 |
The Theosophist | correspondence - Hindu Astrology & T Madhavarao | a lover of truth | y1887 | v9 | - | December | p189 |
The Theosophist | Rajah Sir Madhava Row on Hindu Astrology | A. Sankariah | y1887 | v9 | - | December | p194 |
Transactions of the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society first series | Buddha's Teaching | AP Sinnett | y1887 | - | i12 | July | p1 |
Transactions of the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society first series | The Relations of the Lower & the Higher Self | AP Sinnett | y1887 | - | i13 | August | p1 |
Theosophical Siftings | Theosophy & the Churches | (HP Blavatsky) | y1888 | v1 | i1 | - | p1 |
Theosophical Siftings | "Lucifer" to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Greeting! (rprnt Lutr Dec 1887) | (HP Blavatsky) | y1888 | v1 | i1 | - | p1 |
Theosophical Siftings | Ancient Opinions Upon Psychic Bodies (rprnt) | CC Massey (Dec 1879) | y1888 | v1 | i2 | - | p15 |
Theosophical Siftings | The Popular Idea of Soul Survival (rprnt) | (HPB) (Dec 1879) | y1888 | v1 | i2 | - | p20 |
Theosophical Siftings | A Synopsis of Baron du Prel's "Philosophie der Mystik" (rprnt Transactions of the LL) | Bertram Keightley | y1888 | v1 | i3 | - | p1 |
Theosophical Siftings | The Theosophical Movement (from the Calcutta Review) | AP Sinnett | y1888 | v1 | i4 | - | p1 |
Theosophical Siftings | What is the Theosophical Society? An Opinion in regard to what it ought to be (rprnt The Path) | anon | y1888 | v1 | i4 | - | p9 |
Theosophical Siftings | What is True Christianity? (rprnt The Path) | Franz Hartmann (Hartmam) | y1888 | v1 | i4 | - | p12 |
Theosophical Siftings | What Are Theosophists? (rprnt) | anon (HPB) (Oct 1879) | y1888 | v1 | i4 | - | p16 |
Theosophical Siftings | What is Matter & What is Force? (rprnt) | anon (KH) (Sept 1882) | y1888 | v1 | i5 | - | p1 |
Theosophical Siftings | The New Epidemics (rprnt) | anon (XX) (June 1886) | y1888 | v1 | i5 | - | p11 |
Theosophical Siftings | Reincarnation | TB Harbottle | y1888 | v1 | i6 | - | p1 |
Theosophical Siftings | Divyatchakchus (The "Infinite Perception" of Japanese Esotericism) | C Pfoundes (Omoie) | y1888 | v1 | i6 | - | p9 |
Theosophical Siftings | Esoteric Buddhism (rprnt Dublin University Review July 1885) | Charles Johnston | y1888 | v1 | i6 | - | p14 |
Theosophical Siftings | The Religions of Japan (Sadasad Vikaram na Sahate) (rprnt) | anon (Oct 1881) | y1888 | v1 | i6 | - | p18 |