Lucifer | Gerald Massey on Shakespeare | anon | y1888 | v1 | - | January | p422 |
Lucifer | correspondence - Astrological Notes | Nemo | y1888 | v1 | - | January | p424 |
Lucifer | "What is Truth?" | anon (HPB) | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p425 |
Lucifer | excerpt quoted from Daniel: A Sacred Drama (vf) | Hannah More (1745-1835) | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p425 |
Lucifer | excerpt quoted from Thoughts in Solitude (vf) | W Thompson Bacon (1814-1881) | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p425 |
Lucifer | The Soldier's Daughter (Judges xi,6 - xi,39) | TG Headley | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p434 |
Lucifer | footnotes to "The Soldier's Daughter" | (HPB) | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p436 |
Lucifer | Luniolatry | Gerald Massey | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p440 |
Lucifer | The Blossom & The Fruit: The True Story of a Magician (6) | Mabel Collins | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p443 |
Lucifer | Twilight Visions (2) The Crescent (vf) | Wm C Eldon Serjeant | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p461 |
Lucifer | Miscellaneous Notes | (HPB) | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p463 |
Lucifer | Editors' Note (re "Twilight Visions" poem) | (Ed.) | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p465 |
Lucifer | The White Monk (2) | Percy Ross | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p466 |
Lucifer | An Auto-Hypnotic Rhapsody | AJC, Lucerne | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p472 |
Lucifer | Miscellaneous Notes | (HPB) | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p472 |
Lucifer | Our Other Half | "Bertrand Stonex" | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p474 |
Lucifer | The Three Desires | anon | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p476 |
Lucifer | filler - Golden Sentences of Democritus | anon | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p480 |
Lucifer | The Relation of Colour to the Interlaced Triangles, or the Pentacle | ML Brainard | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p481 |
Lucifer | Miscellaneous Notes | (HPB) | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p482 |
Lucifer | Questions (vf) | LFFf (? L Florence Ffoulkes) | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p485 |
Lucifer | A Theory of Hauntings (1) | Frank Fairholme (Fernholme ?) | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p486 |
Lucifer | The Esoteric Character of the Gospels (3) | HPB | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p490 |
Lucifer | review - Spirit Revealed by William C Eldon Serjeant | William Ashton Ellis ( - 1919) | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p497 |
Lucifer | review - Traité Élémentaire de Science Occulte par Papus (= G Encausse 1865-1916) | anon (HPB ?) | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p499 |
Lucifer | review - The New Wagner Journal, The Meister ed by William Ashton Ellis | anon | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p500 |
Lucifer | New Year's Eve (vf) | Katie Duncan King | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p501 |
Lucifer | correspondence - Autocentricism by Robert Lewins | CN (? Constance Naden) | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p502 |
Lucifer | What of Phenomena? | anon (HPB) | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p504 |
Lucifer | Mohini M Chatterji (1858-1936) | AP Sinnett (1840-1921) | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p506 |
Lucifer | to the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society | Mohini Mohun Chatterji (1858-1936) | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p506 |
Lucifer | to the Editors of Lucifer | Bertram Keightley (1860-1944/5) | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p506 |
Lucifer | correspondence - re Hylo-Idealism | Robert Lewins | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p507 |
Lucifer | correspondence - Hylo-Idealism | GMMcC | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p508 |
Lucifer | correspondence - to Dr Lewins, & the Hylo-Idealists at Large | "The Adversary" (HPB) | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p508 |
Lucifer | Astrological Notes No 4 | Nemo | y1888 | v1 | - | February | p512 |
The Path | Rays from the East (Fragments of MSS, written down by J...) (1888/1/1) | anon | y1888 | v2 | i10 | January | p289 |
The Path | The Bhagavad-Gita (4) (from December) The First Abyss (To be continued) (1888/1/1) | William Brehon | y1888 | v2 | i10 | January | p291 |
The Path | Rahula's Inheritance (1888/1/1) | J Campbell Ver Planck | y1888 | v2 | i10 | January | p296 |
The Path | Keeley's "Inter-Etheric Force" Tr from A French rendering of passages from "The Secret Doctrine" (1888/1/1) | Editor | y1888 | v2 | i10 | January | p300 |
The Path | The Appeal unto Caesar. (1888/1/1) | Jaspar Niemand FTS | y1888 | v2 | i10 | January | p304 |
The Path | Answers to Questioners (1888/1/1) | Zadok | y1888 | v2 | i10 | January | p309 |
The Path | Tea Table Talk (1888/1/1) | Julius | y1888 | v2 | i10 | January | p314 |
The Path | A Theosophical Tract #1 An Epitome of Theosophy (Issued by New York Theosophists for Distribution) (1888/1/1) | unsigned (likely by WQJ) | y1888 | v2 | i10 | January | p320 |
The Path | The Bhagavad-Gita (5) (from January) Chapter 11 (To be continued) (1888/2/1) | William Brehon | y1888 | v2 | i11 | February | p325 |
The Path | illustration - The Seeress of Prevorst | Keisanbach (?) - (Gabriel Max) | y1888 | v2 | i11 | February | p325a+ |
The Path | The Seeress of Prevorst (1888/2/1) | B. | y1888 | v2 | i11 | February | p330 |
The Path | Stray Thoughts (1888/2/1) | Jasper Niemand FTS | y1888 | v2 | i11 | February | p333 |
The Path | The Lessons of Karma (1888/2/1) | Charles Johnston FTS | y1888 | v2 | i11 | February | p335 |
The Path | The Bean of Pythagoras (1888/2/1) | HL Sumner FTS | y1888 | v2 | i11 | February | p340 |