The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Brisbane Lodge

All entries

The TheosophistGleanings from the Works of Swami Dayanand Saraswati(`Il Penseroso`)y1882v3-Februaryp122
The Theosophist"A Glimpse Through the Corridors of Time"anony1882v3-Februaryp124
The TheosophistAntiquity of the Vedas (6)Krishna Shastri Godboley1882v3-Februaryp125
The TheosophistWilliam H Terry of Melbourne writes [re "Fragment of Occult Truth"]anon (Ed.)y1882v3-Februaryp125
The Theosophistreview - A Book of the Beginnings by Gerald Masseyanon (HPB)y1882v3-Februaryp127
The TheosophistA Forced Explanationanony1882v3-Februaryp128
The TheosophistWiljalba FrikkellPJGy1882v3-Februaryp128
The Theosophist"Psychic Notes"anony1882v3-Februaryp128
The TheosophistHints for the RyotsJJ Meyricky1882v3-Februaryp129
The TheosophistGesture Speechanony1882v3-Februaryp131
The Theosophist"Om", & its Practical SignificationNC Pauly1882v3-Februaryp131
The TheosophistHindoo Music (Rajah Sourindra Mohan Tagore supports)anony1882v3-Februaryp134
The TheosophistA Flash of Light upon Occult Freemasonry (see ML #45, p262 ML-APS, for ref to author by KH)anon (HPB footnote)y1882v3-Februaryp135
The TheosophistA Conjuror amongst the Spiritualists (letter from Mr Harry Kellar to Indian Daily News is rprntd)anon (HPB)y1882v3-Februaryp137
The Theosophist(Swami Dayanand's Pupil at the Congress of Orientalists, Shyamji Krishna Varma)anony1882v3-Februaryp137
The TheosophistAnother Scandal, from Londonanony1882v3-Februaryp137
The TheosophistParagraph Flashes from the Four Quartersvariousy1882v3-Februaryp137
The Theosophist[The Buddhist Catechism, a new Book by HS Olcott] (rprnt London Academy)anony1882v3-Februaryp138
The TheosophistThe silly violence of Mr Joseph Cook (rprnt Bombay Gazette)anony1882v3-Februaryp138
The TheosophistThe Oudh Theosophical SocietyJwala Prasad Sankhadhary1882v3-March+p1
The TheosophistThe Bombay Theosophical SocietyDamodar K Mavalankary1882v3-March+p1
The TheosophistColonel Olcott on Zoroastrianismanony1882v3-March+p2
The TheosophistThe President-Founder in Jeyporeanony1882v3-March+p2
The TheosophistDoomed!anon (HPB)y1882v3-March+p3
The TheosophistThe "Rast Goftar" in Hot WaterH (HPB)y1882v3-March+p3
The TheosophistMr "Joseph Wallace"anon (HPB) (M acc G, see ML#47, p269)y1882v3-March+p6
The TheosophistAnswers to Correspondents - "JK" (see CW v#4 p42-50)anon (HPB acc BdZ) (M acc G, see MLAPS p269)y1882v3-March+p6
The TheosophistTo "Miss Chandos Leigh Hunt (Mrs Wallace)"anon (M acc G, see ML#47, 3-3-1882)y1882v3-March+p7
The TheosophistSwami Dayanand Saraswati and the Pandits of Lahore [re J Cook] (rprnt Mittra Vilasa)anony1882v3-March+p8
The TheosophistA Marriage of Theosophistsanony1882v3-March+p8
The TheosophistList of the Officers of the Parent Theosophical Society for 1882anony1882v3-March+p8
The TheosophistThe Pandits of Lahore: Editor's Note [to Swami Dayanand Saraswati etc]anony1882v3-March+p8
The Theosophist"The Hermetic Brethern" - extract from The Rosicrucians by Hargrave JenningsHargrave Jennings & HPBy1882v3-Marchp139
The TheosophistThe Theosophist, Bombay, March, 1882Editory1882v3-Marchp139
The TheosophistA Needed Explanationanon (HPB)y1882v3-Marchp139
The TheosophistThe "Elixir of Life" (from a chela's Diary) (1)G____ M____ (? Godolphin Mitford)y1882v3-Marchp140
The TheosophistA Criticism on the "Mighty Problems of Bramha, Iswara & Maya"Dorasamy Iyery1882v3-Marchp143
The TheosophistNew and Scientific Explanation of the Esoteric "Wheel, Full of Eyes" by T de Witt Talmageanony1882v3-Marchp143
The TheosophistBuddhist Moralsanon (HPB)y1882v3-Marchp143
The TheosophistThe Esoteric "Wheel, full of Eyes"(Harlequin de Witt Talmadge)y1882v3-Marchp143
The Theosophist(In the Theosophist of 1880 ...)anony1882v3-Marchp144
The TheosophistA New Sabha at Buddha Gayaanony1882v3-Marchp146
The TheosophistReincarnations in Tibetanon (HPB)y1882v3-Marchp146
The TheosophistWe have to acknowledge the receipt of books by Manekji Limji Hatariaanony1882v3-Marchp148
The TheosophistKoot-Hoomi in Australiaanon (HPB)y1882v3-Marchp149
The Theosophist1881 - Kabalistic View of the Year (rprnt Medium and Daybreak)Countess Marie of Caithness (1830-1895)y1882v3-Marchp149
The TheosophistPhilosophy of SpiritWilliam Oxleyy1882v3-Marchp150
The TheosophistThe Mysterious Brothers - An Old Tale Retold (2)Peter Davidsony1882v3-Marchp153
The TheosophistThe Amazons of the Lord (The Salvation Army)anony1882v3-Marchp154
The TheosophistFragments of Occult Truth (II) (a letter from WH Terry)anony1882v3-Marchp157
Showing 1151 to 1200 of 211352 entries