The Theosophist | Ri-Thlen (1) | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p206 |
The Theosophist | review - The Perfect Way, or the Finding of Christ (by Anna Kingsford & Edward Maitland) | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p207 |
The Theosophist | The Whirligig of time; Recent discoveries vindicating Marco Polo | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p207 |
The Theosophist | review - Aeen-I-Hoshang, anon | Jwala Prasad Sankhadhar | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p210 |
The Theosophist | The Comet of the Season (Joseph Cook) | WDT | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p211 |
The Theosophist | "Psyche" | anon (HPB) | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p211 |
The Theosophist | review - Chancellorsville & Gettysburg by Abner Doubleday | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p211 |
The Theosophist | The "Occult World" by AP Sinnett | AB (? LA Sanders) | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p212 |
The Theosophist | Is Idolatry taught in the Yajur-Veda? | Ed. | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p213 |
The Theosophist | Remarks on Swami Dayanand's Veda Bhashya | D. | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p213 |
The Theosophist | Hermann von Schlagentweit's Head | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p214 |
The Theosophist | Paragraph Flashes | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p214 |
The Theosophist | Church and Public-House Census | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p214 |
The Theosophist | [a Penalty enforced by the Queen of Madagascar for the manufacture of intoxicating drinks] | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | May | p214 |
The Theosophist | The Founders on Their Annual Tour | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | June+ | p1 |
The Theosophist | Welcome Madame Blavatsky & Colonel Olcott! Welcome Theosophists! (an Address) | Narayana Swamy Chetty | y1882 | v3 | - | June+ | p3 |
The Theosophist | The Jeypore Theosophical Society | Amritlal De | y1882 | v3 | - | June+ | p5 |
The Theosophist | The Ionian Theosophical Society | Otho Alexander | y1882 | v3 | - | June+ | p5 |
The Theosophist | The Krishna Theosophical Society | J Purnayya | y1882 | v3 | - | June+ | p5 |
The Theosophist | A Mental Puzzle (contradictions in Dayanund's Arya) (by the Master Narayan) | one of the Hindu Founders of the (TS) | y1882 | v3 | - | June+ | p6 |
The Theosophist | Coloured Students at Cambridge (rprnt Glasgow Mail) | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | June+ | p8 |
The Theosophist | [three advertisements] | various | y1882 | v3 | - | June+ | p8 |
The Theosophist | Our late friends of the Arya magazine have ... | anon (HPB) | y1882 | v3 | - | June+ | p8 |
The Theosophist | A Mormon Dodge (rprnt Housac Valley News) | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | June+ | p8 |
The Theosophist | Hindu Theism (The Doctrines of Adi Brahmo Samaj) | anon (HPB) | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p215 |
The Theosophist | The Theosophist, Bombay, June, 1882 | Editor | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p215 |
The Theosophist | Superiority of Hinduism to other Existing Religions (1) As viewed from the standpoint of Theism | Raj Narain Bose | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p216 |
The Theosophist | "A Friend in Need, A Friend Indeed" (a letter from AP Sinnett to the Bombay Gazette is rprntd) | anon (HPB) | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p218 |
The Theosophist | Discovery of precious Buddhist Relics | (JM Campbell) | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p218 |
The Theosophist | Tharhna or Mesmerism in India | Poorno Chandra Mookherjee | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p219 |
The Theosophist | Anthropomorphism (1) | Poliuto | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p220 |
The Theosophist | The Magic of Science | anon (HPB) | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p222 |
The Theosophist | A Friendly Chastisement (re Rev Joseph Cook) | Aletheia | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p223 |
The Theosophist | We Reply (to a Friendly Chastisement) | anon (HPB) | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p223 |
The Theosophist | Who Are The Heretics? - extract from a Lecture | Thomas Walker | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p224 |
The Theosophist | Seeming "Discrepancies" (in Isis Unveiled) | Caledonian Theosophist | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p225 |
The Theosophist | Editor's Note (to "Seeming Discrepancies") | Ed. (HPB) | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p225 |
The Theosophist | Arhat Philosophy: Explanation Wanted | NDK | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p225 |
The Theosophist | The Tantric & Puranic Ideas of the Deity | Kali Prasanna Mookerji | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p226 |
The Theosophist | Trance-Speakers | anon (HPB) | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p227 |
The Theosophist | A "Spirit Astrologer's" Prophecy | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p228 |
The Theosophist | Bhagavat-Gita | Nobin K Bannerji | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p229 |
The Theosophist | footnote to "Bhagavad-Gita" | (HPB) | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p229 |
The Theosophist | footnote to "Another Hindu Stone-Shower Medium" | (HPB) | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p232 |
The Theosophist | "The Perfect Way" - (II) | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p232 |
The Theosophist | Another Hindu Stone-Shower Medium | T Vijiaraghava Charlu (186?-1906) | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p232 |
The Theosophist | The Anti-vaccination war, re "Vaccination Inquirer & Health Review" | anon | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p235 |
The Theosophist | A Friendly Remonstrance | N Chidambaram Iyer | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p235 |
The Theosophist | Comments on "A Friendly Remonstrance" | (HPB) | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p235 |
The Theosophist | The Story of Atlantis | (anon) | y1882 | v3 | - | June | p237 |