The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Brisbane Lodge

All entries

The Theosophist[Paul Edward Ponnumperoma - elected Secretary of the Galle Branch]anony1884v5-April+p67
The Theosophist[Charles Amardas d'Silva - appointed a trustee of the National Fund Trust]anony1884v5-April+p67
The Theosophist[four advertisements]variousy1884v5-April+p68
The TheosophistIs Buddhism Pessimistic?Bhargava Sarmay1884v5-Aprilp155
The TheosophistThe Discovery of Ancient Fabricsanony1884v5-Aprilp155
The TheosophistThe Hebrew Letter Nun; or 13 - Essay (II)Eliphas Leviy1884v5-Aprilp156
The TheosophistLiving Vampires & the Vampirism of the Grave in our Social Institutions (2)Dr Fortiny1884v5-Aprilp158
The TheosophistThe Ways of Providenceanony1884v5-Aprilp158
The Theosophistfootnote to "Living Vampires & Vampirism of the Grave in our Social Institutions"(HPB)y1884v5-Aprilp158
The TheosophistScraps of Ancient History of the Island of Java (1)Baron Tengnagelly1884v5-Aprilp160
The TheosophistChastityAn American Buddhist (? Franz Hartmann)y1884v5-Aprilp161
The Theosophistreview - Magicon, or the Secret System of a Society of Unknown Philosophers by An UnknownABy1884v5-Aprilp162
The TheosophistOccult PhenomenaAn American Buddhisty1884v5-Aprilp165
The Theosophist"The Planetary Cycles of Humanity, or the Astronomical Progress of Civilization"Leon Leconte (+ an editor's note)y1884v5-Aprilp165
The TheosophistTheosophy & ChristianityAn American Buddhisty1884v5-Aprilp166
The TheosophistNotice - (T Subba Row abandons a task)anony1884v5-Aprilp166
The TheosophistGhost Stories Galore - A Night of Many Wonders (rprnt New York World)DACy1884v5-Aprilp167
The TheosophistDeccan Association for the promotion of Education among Marathas, Kunbis, MaleesDamodar K Mavalankary1884v5-Aprilp169
The TheosophistAnswers to Correspondentsvariousy1884v5-Aprilp169
The TheosophistLtte - Transcendental OccultismKCMy1884v5-Aprilp169
The TheosophistContemplation (2)An FTSy1884v5-Aprilp170
The Theosophistreply to KCM FTSDharani D Kauthumiy1884v5-Aprilp170
The TheosophistnoteDamodar K Mavalankary1884v5-Aprilp171
The TheosophistA Great Riddle Solved (2)K.y1884v5-Aprilp171
The Theosophistnote [to "A Great Riddle Solved"]Damodar K Mavalankary1884v5-Aprilp171
The TheosophistThe Best Food for Man (4)Purmeshri Dassy1884v5-Aprilp171
The Theosophistnote [to "The Best Food for Man"]Damodar K Mavalankary1884v5-Aprilp172
The Theosophistreview - India, what can it teach us? by Max Moller (Müller)anony1884v5-Aprilp172
The Theosophistreview - The Inhabitants of the Planets (Die Planetenbewohner) by Carl du PrelAmerican Buddhisty1884v5-Aprilp173
The Theosophistreview - Occult Science, The Science of Breath & the Philosophy of the Tatwas, tr Rama PrasadBhargava Sarmay1884v5-Aprilp175
The TheosophistVedantismBhargava Sarmay1884v5-Aprilp175
The Theosophistreview - Occult Science - The Science of Breath & the Philosophy of the Tatwas by Dvijadas DattaBhargava Sarmay1884v5-Aprilp175
The Theosophist"The Platonist" (a resuscitated Journal)Bhargava Sarmay1884v5-Aprilp176
The Theosophistreview - The Ancient History of India by A. CupiaBhargava Sarmay1884v5-Aprilp178
The TheosophistJournal of the Theosophical Society #5 May 1 1884anony1884v5-May+p70
The TheosophistBuddhism in Relation to ChristianityA "Christian" Buddhisty1884v5-May+p70
The TheosophistUnpublished Writings of Eliphas Levi (IV) The Object of InitiationEliphas Leviy1884v5-May+p71
The TheosophistInauguration of New Branch Societies at Chittore & Vellore - an addressF Hartmanny1884v5-May+p72
The TheosophistLecture on Theosophy (rprnt, Madras Mail)St George Lane-Foxy1884v5-May+p74
The TheosophistHow I Became a TheosophistGyanendra Nath Chakravartiy1884v5-May+p75
The TheosophistOfficial Reports - address (the Society of Occultists of France) [expression of admiration for ... the TS]anony1884v5-May+p76
The TheosophistOur New Branches [Chittoor, Periya-Kalam, Dindigul, Vellore]anony1884v5-May+p76
The TheosophistAtma Bodh TS (Moradabad) [first anniversary celebrated]anony1884v5-May+p77
The Theosophisterrata - Feb+ 1884 Journal of the TS - various errors - p36-37anony1884v5-May+p77
The TheosophistThe Satya Marga TS (Lucknow) [report of the branch's workings during its first year]Jwala Prasad Sankhadharay1884v5-May+p77
The TheosophistNotice [The connection of A. Theyaga Rajier with the Theosophical Society has ceased]Damodar K Mavalankary1884v5-May+p77
The TheosophistCircular - (Initiation into the Theosophical Society)Damodar K Mavalankary1884v5-May+p78
The TheosophistFyzabad TS [new president elected]anony1884v5-May+p78
The TheosophistChittor, Dindigul, Midnapore, Periya-Kulam, & Vellore TS [new officers]anony1884v5-May+p78
The TheosophistSpecial Orders of 1884 [Founders' stay in Europe extended; Provincial Council delayed]Mohini M Chatterjiy1884v5-May+p79
Showing 2951 to 3000 of 211352 entries