The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Brisbane Lodge

All entries

The TheosophistThe Phantom Dancers in a Haunted House in Hatton Garden (extracts from "19th-C Miracles")Hardinge Britten (1823-1899)y1884v5-June+p83
The TheosophistThe Personal Jesus (extracts from a letter by Gerald Massey) (rprnt Medium and Daybreak)ABy1884v5-June+p84
The TheosophistMesmerism in a Den of Lions (rprnt)WH Harrisony1884v5-June+p85
The TheosophistThe Cosminist Religion (rprnt London Correspondence Boston Advertiser)anony1884v5-June+p86
The TheosophistNote [to "An Appeal - To all the members of the Theosophical Society"]AB (? Franz Hartmann; ? LA Sanders)y1884v5-June+p86
The TheosophistLetter - An Appeal - To all members of the Theosophical SocietyJNG FTSy1884v5-June+p86
The TheosophistWhere are the Missionaries? (rprnt Illustrated London News)GR Simsy1884v5-June+p86
The TheosophistNotice [Special Moral and Religious Classes ... are re-opened]R Sivasankara Pandiahy1884v5-June+p86
The TheosophistAn Apology (To the Editor of the Theosophist) (pamphlet withdrawn)H Burzorjeey1884v5-June+p87
The TheosophistThe Opinion of European Press about the TS (or What the European Press Says of Our Founders)variousy1884v5-June+p87
The TheosophistPhenomenalHarisinghji Rupsinghji (1861-1903)y1884v5-June+p87
The TheosophistAn Apology to the Editor of the TheosophistH Burzorjeey1884v5-June+p87
The Theosophist[New Members of the Society; Wm Crookes elected councillor of London Lodge]anony1884v5-June+p88
The TheosophistOfficial Reports - The Sarv Hitkari Theosophical Societyanony1884v5-June+p89
The TheosophistSarv Hitkari TS (Gorakhpur, NWP) [officers elected; attempt to purchase permanent headquarters]anony1884v5-June+p89
The TheosophistThe Founders in ParisJKOy1884v5-June+p89
The TheosophistSanskrit Schools at JubbulporeNivran Chandra Mookerjeey1884v5-June+p90
The TheosophistA Praiseworthy Exampleanony1884v5-June+p90
The TheosophistThe Satya Marga Theosophical SocietyJwala Prasad Sankhadharay1884v5-June+p90
The TheosophistSatya Marga TS (Lucknow, Oudh) [new vice-president and assistant secretary elected; deceased VP remembered]Jwala Prasad Sankhadharay1884v5-June+p90
The TheosophistThe Madras Theosophical Society [election of officers; resolutions passed]P Sreenevas Rowy1884v5-June+p90
The TheosophistThe Madras Theosophical Sanscrit Schools (all four Madras schools inspected)P Sreenevas Rowy1884v5-June+p90
The TheosophistThe Jamalpur Theosophical Society [the Adhi Bhoutic Bhratru & Bhagalpur Branch members; meetings held]Rajcoomar Royy1884v5-June+p90
The TheosophistThe Rohilkund Theosophical Society, (Bareilly) [retirement of President; election of new officers]Gyanendro N Chackerbuti (? Chakravarti)y1884v5-June+p91
The TheosophistProvisional Rule - [Branch membership allowed in only one branch of the Theosophical Society]HS Olcotty1884v5-June+p91
The TheosophistCombaconum TS [new secretary elected]anony1884v5-June+p91
The TheosophistRajshahye Harmony TS (Beauleah, Rajshahye) [officers elected]anony1884v5-June+p91
The TheosophistSpecial Orders of 1884 - Miss F Arundale appointed Assistant TreasurerHS Olcotty1884v5-June+p91
The Theosophist(Severance of Mme E Coulomb & A. Coulomb from the Theosophical Society as of 14th May 1884)General Council of the TSy1884v5-June+p91
The Theosophist[Navroji Dorabji Khandalewala delivered a lecture on "Theosophy and the Theosophical Society"]anony1884v5-June+p91
The TheosophistNotice [publication of The Secret Doctrine has to be delayed for two more months]anony1884v5-June+p91
The Theosophistan advertisement for The Secret Doctrine by HP Blavatskyanony1884v5-June+p92
The Theosophist[five advertisements]variousy1884v5-June+p92
The TheosophistReincarnation (rprnt Platonist)* * * (Damodar K Mavalankar)y1884v5-Junep209
The TheosophistStray Thoughts on SoulEliphas Leviy1884v5-Junep210
The TheosophistAre Chelas "Mediums?"anon (HPB)y1884v5-Junep210
The TheosophistThe Last of the Alchemists (Mr Kellerman)(Peter Davidson)y1884v5-Junep211
The TheosophistJames Price, MD, FRS, & Alchemists, GuildfordP Davidsony1884v5-Junep213
The TheosophistAstrologyanon (HPB)y1884v5-Junep213
The TheosophistPractical Instructions for Students of Occultism (II) The Power of the WillAn American Buddhisty1884v5-Junep214
The Theosophist[quote by Koot-Hoomi from his letters to AP Sinnett - re thoughts]anony1884v5-Junep215
The TheosophistMagicon, or the Secret System of a Society of Unknown Philosophers (2)An American Buddhisty1884v5-Junep216
The TheosophistHistorical Researches in Magic (tr by CW Rohner) (1)Baron du Potety1884v5-Junep218
The TheosophistThe American University at BostonJoseph Rodes Buchanan (1814-1899)y1884v5-Junep220
The TheosophistCan the "Double" be Murdered?anony1884v5-Junep220
The TheosophistMr Moncur D Conway's "A Tour Round the World"anon (HPB)y1884v5-Junep221
The TheosophistAnswers to Correspondentsvariousy1884v5-Junep221
The Theosophistnote [to "A Roman Catholic Saint at Goa"]anon (HPB)y1884v5-Junep222
The TheosophistLtte - A Roman Catholic Saint at GoaSamuel Jonathany1884v5-Junep222
The Theosophistnote [to "Karma"]anon (HPB)y1884v5-Junep223
Showing 3051 to 3100 of 211352 entries