The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Brisbane Lodge

All entries

The TheosophistIs the Desire to "Live" Selfish?anon (HPB)y1884v5-Julyp242
The TheosophistThe Fundamental Tenets of Christianity & Theosophyanon (HPB)y1884v5-Julyp243
The TheosophistWhat's in a Name?H.y1884v5-Julyp244
The TheosophistAnswers to Correspondentsvariousy1884v5-Julyp245
The TheosophistVarious QuestionsNM Dorasami Pillayy1884v5-Julyp245
The TheosophistLtte - The Uses of ScienceDA Courmes (1843-1914)y1884v5-Julyp245
The TheosophistNirvanaHC Nibletty1884v5-Julyp246
The Theosophistnotes [to "Various Questions"]Editory1884v5-Julyp246
The Theosophist"Evil Spirituality"An English FTSy1884v5-Julyp246
The TheosophistNote (a man is said to reach Nirvana when he evolutes into a Dhyan Chohan)Ed. (HPB)y1884v5-Julyp246
The TheosophistThe Custom of Keeping A Fire in Parsee TemplesSH Hodwalay1884v5-Julyp247
The TheosophistWhat is "God?"A Truth-Seekery1884v5-Julyp247
The Theosophistnote [to "The Custom of Keeping a Fire in Parsee Temples"]Ed.y1884v5-Julyp247
The Theosophistnotes [to "What is God?"]Editory1884v5-Julyp247
The Theosophist"Christian Toleration" in AustraliaCH Hartmanny1884v5-Julyp247
The Theosophistreview - Posthumous Humanityanony1884v5-Julyp247
The Theosophistreview - The Hollow GlobeML Shermany1884v5-Julyp251
The TheosophistPearls of the Faith or Islam's Rosaryanony1884v5-Julyp254
The Theosophistreview - Ashtottara Satopanishadah - The 108 Upanishadsanony1884v5-Julyp254
The TheosophistThe Marathi Theosophistanony1884v5-Julyp255
The TheosophistGujarat & the Gujaratisanony1884v5-Julyp255
The TheosophistThe Occult Word - (a journal)anony1884v5-Julyp256
The TheosophistJournal of the Theosophical Society #8 August 1, 1884 - Table of Contentsanony1884v5-Aug+p105
The TheosophistUnpublished Writings of Eliphas Levi (VII) Power & ForcesEliphas Leviy1884v5-Aug+p106
The TheosophistPsychic Phenomena - Mind-Reading by Mr Stuart Cumberland (rprnt - Pall Mall Gazette)anony1884v5-Aug+p108
The TheosophistColonel Olcott has returned [a Collection of his lectures to be published] (rprnt Pall Mall Gazette)anony1884v5-Aug+p108
The TheosophistColonel Olcott in Europe (rprnt Indian Mirror)anony1884v5-Aug+p108
The TheosophistA Buddhist "Morality" - tr from Kumarajiva's version of Asvaghosha's sermonsAsvaghosha (K 10, P 17)y1884v5-Aug+p109
The TheosophistThe Measurement of Human Faculty - a lecture by Francis Galton (1822-1911)anony1884v5-Aug+p110
The TheosophistThe Pehlvi Languageanony1884v5-Aug+p110
The TheosophistThe Hybernation of a Toad (rprnt Indian Mirror)anony1884v5-Aug+p110
The TheosophistThe Ladies Theosophical Society [president of branch becomes editor of Bharati magazine]anony1884v5-Aug+p111
The TheosophistThe Logic of Pain (1) (rprnt Contemporary Review)J Milner Fothergilly1884v5-Aug+p111
The TheosophistHow Long it takes to Dream a Dream (rprnt Chicago Herald)anony1884v5-Aug+p111
The Theosophist"Christian" Ethicsanony1884v5-Aug+p111
The TheosophistThe Gooty Theosophical Society [Sanskrit School partially founded by the president of the Branch]BP Narasimhiahy1884v5-Aug+p112
The TheosophistChelasStanley B Sextony1884v5-Aug+p112
The Theosophistcorrespondence - A Curious Date-TreeVVS Avadhani (1858 - )y1884v5-Aug+p112
The TheosophistTheosophy [letter to the editor of the Indian Mirror]an Humble Brahminy1884v5-Aug+p112
The TheosophistAcknowledgement [the Theosophical Society's influence on the reviving of Hinduism]Ranjan Vilas Rai Chaudhuriy1884v5-Aug+p112
The TheosophistThe Tirupattur TS (Madura District) [Sanskrit elementary school opened]N Sreenivasa Iyery1884v5-Aug+p113
The TheosophistThe Prayag Psychic TS (Allahabad) [new assistant secretary elected]anony1884v5-Aug+p113
The TheosophistOfficial Reports - The Chittoor Theosophical Society [Sanskrit school opened]N Sreenivasa Iyery1884v5-Aug+p113
The TheosophistSpecial Orders of 1884 (Dr Fortin; & the Society of Occultists in Paris, provisional charter cancelled)Mohini M Chatterjiy1884v5-Aug+p113
The TheosophistPhenomenalP Sreenevas Rowy1884v5-Aug+p113
The TheosophistThe Hyderabad (Dekkan) Theosophical Society [election of officers; rules and bye-laws]Darabjee Dasabhyy1884v5-Aug+p114
The TheosophistRules & Bye-Laws - The objects of the Chittur Theosophical Society are listedA. Raju (Moodeliar)y1884v5-Aug+p114
The Theosophistobituary - Krishnanath Govindnath Kothareanony1884v5-Aug+p115
The Theosophistobituary - Samuel Ward {includes a tribute by MA (Oxon) rprnt from Light}anony1884v5-Aug+p115
The TheosophistRules & Bye-Laws of the Gyanodaya Theosophical Society (Bara-Banki)Purmeshri Dassy1884v5-Aug+p115
Showing 3151 to 3200 of 211352 entries