learning how we can apply these principles to the problematical situations in our daily lives | anon | y1986 | v1 | - | November | p1 |
the average educated adult has never heard of the Theosophical movement | anon | y1986 | v1 | - | November | p1 |
Beverley Noia gave us her intuitive level approach | anon | y1986 | v1 | - | December | p1 |
Letter #4 - The Unity of Life | anon | y1987 | v2 | - | January | p1 |
If the one life pervades all, is a rock alive? | anon | y1987 | v2 | - | February | p1 |
one might consider joining all theosophical organizations | anon | y1987 | v2 | - | February | p1 |
The sole function of the teacher | anon | y1987 | v2 | - | March | p1 |
A conference on The Dissemination of Theosophy - New Techniques for a New Age, will be held | Michael Revere | y1987 | v2 | - | March | p1 |
review - Summary: "The Lost Years of Jesus" (a videotape by Richard Bock) | anon | y1987 | v2 | - | April | p1 |
Dick Slusser, editor of this newsletter will (away) from March 27 until May 15 | anon | y1987 | v2 | - | April | p1 |
(does not exist - editor was at Krotona, Ojai during that month) | (index editor) | y1987 | v2 | - | May | p1 |
Our May meeting was devoted to the Videotaping of our High Country Study Center | anon | y1987 | v2 | - | June | p1 |
the results of the T.S. American Section (Adyar) elections | - | y1987 | v2 | - | July | p1 |
The July meeting was devoted to listening to the session #1 tape of the Adam Warcup seminar and discussing ... | - | y1987 | v2 | - | August | p1 |
Last January my brother-in-law passed away ... I was not able to attend the memorial services. (a farewell ...) | (Dick Slusser) | y1987 | v2 | - | August | p1 |
Man's Origin and Evolution, discussion of tape seminar by Adam Warcup (1) | anon | y1987 | v2 | - | September | p1 |
tapes discussed - the building of man's physical form by the Barhishad * Pitris by evolving or projecting ... | anon | y1987 | v2 | - | October | p1 |
the problem of violence and hatred in the context of contemporary Nicaragua | anon | y1987 | v2 | - | October | p1 |
What was the religion of the Third and Fourth Races? | anon | y1987 | v2 | - | October | p1 |
We viewed the "Objectives of the Theosophical Society" video at the October 29th meeting | anon | y1987 | v2 | - | November | p1 |
(On Channeling) In the Emmanuel video, the "channel", Pat Rodegast said that during the sessions when Emmanuel | anon | y1987 | v2 | - | November | p1 |
Letter #10 ML-APS (p52) is certainly one of the more controversial ones | anon | y1987 | v2 | - | December | p1 |
extracts from "What is Matter and What is Force?" (Theosophist Sept 1882) | KH | y1988 | v3 | - | January | p1 |
introductory questions to the study of the Mahatma Letters | anon | y1988 | v3 | - | February | p1 |
Who are the Mahatmas? Are they spirits or physical men? | anon | y1988 | v3 | - | February | p1 |
(Channeling - diamonds to be found among the glass trinkets) | anon | y1988 | v3 | - | March | p1 |
review -The Music of our life; our Inner and Outer Harmonies by Pam Hughes | anon | y1988 | v3 | - | April | p1 |
Willamay Pym will be visiting the Denver-Boulder area | anon | y1988 | v3 | - | May | p1 |
At the April meeting we discussed Probation and Chelaship | anon | y1988 | v3 | - | May | p2 |
For the aspirant (from "The Elixir of Life"; The Theosophist, April 1882, pp. 168-69) | anon | y1988 | v3 | - | May | p3 |
Willamay Pym visits Colorado, Rounds & Races, Mars question | anon | y1988 | v3 | - | June | p1 |
the Mahatma Letters were never to be published; why were they published? | anon | y1988 | v3 | - | June | p2 |
communications "from the other side (excerpts from Death and After by Annie Besant) | anon | y1988 | v3 | - | July | p1 |
The convention, at George Williams College - Williams Bay campus on Lake Geneva, attended by | (Marty Lyman) | y1988 | v3 | - | August | p1 |
Regarding Devachan and Avitchi | anon | y1988 | v3 | - | August | p2 |
Regarding the watchfulness and concern of the Brotherhood - the 1900 letter | KH | y1988 | v3 | - | August | p3 |
Therapeutic Touch in the New Age - the Dolores Kreiger video tape | anon | y1988 | v3 | - | September | p1 |
Colonel Olcott: Healer of the 1880s | anon | y1988 | v3 | - | September | p1 |
review - Ethics: For Wimps only? from Bill Moyers, with Michael Josephson | anon | y1988 | v3 | - | October | p1 |
What of Phenomena? (Two stories from Miracle of Love by Ram Dass) + commentary | anon | y1988 | v3 | - | November | p1 |
On Capital Punishment | anon (WQJ & ML-APS) | y1988 | v3 | - | December | p1 |
Native American Religion and The Ancient Wisdom | anon | y1989 | v4 | - | January | p1 |
February Meetings | anon | y1989 | v4 | - | February | p1 |
Why does Theosophy use the Swastika? | anon | y1989 | v4 | - | February | p2 |
S'No Welcome Mat at Stapleton Airport (John Algeo's scheduled United flight was cancelled) | anon | y1989 | v4 | - | February | p3 |
The Ancient Wisdom in Fairy Tales - The Snow Queen and The Voice of the Silence | Marty Lyman | y1989 | v4 | - | March | p1 |
High Country Study Center Library | anon | y1989 | v4 | - | April | p1 |
Phone Directory Listing for High Country Theosophy thanks to Cleta Williamson | - | y1989 | v4 | - | April | p2 |
Reincarnation Potpourri | anon | y1989 | v4 | - | April | p3 |
PG Bowen and his Berber Teacher | anon | y1989 | v4 | - | May | p1 |